economy and politics

70% of Spaniards support a new tax on large fortunes that is also supported by the majority of PP voters

Sánchez announces new taxes on electricity companies and banks and asks families for energy saving measures

A large majority of Spaniards, seven out of ten, support the creation of a new tax on large fortunes like the one that United We Can take to Congress in June and that was rejected by the majority of the Chamber, also with the vote against of the PSOE. Likewise, more than half of the citizens support the new taxes created by the Government in July to deal with inflation and the economic consequences of the war in Ukraine. These are some of the data provided by the survey on taxation carried out by Simple Lógica for between August 1 and 8, which is added to the study on political trends carried out by that same demographic company and that this newspaper published on Monday .

Sánchez announces new taxes on electricity companies and banks and asks families for energy saving measures

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The main conclusion is that, despite the proclamations of the right, whose fundamental economic policy consists of lowering taxes, more Spaniards are committed to increasing taxes in search of greater social equity than those who demand a generalized tax reduction such as the defended by PP, Vox and Ciudadanos. This same Monday, the general coordinator of the popular, Elías Bendodo, considered that “the Government has to lower taxes” at the beginning of the new political course, a speech identical to that maintained by its top boss, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, since he arrived to office in April, and also to that of his predecessor, Pablo Casado.

According to the survey by Simple Lógica, even within the conservative formations –among the voters of the PP, but also of Ciudadanos– the demand for greater fiscal progressivity such as that proposed by the left has gained weight so that, in a context of crisis marked by the inflationary trend and the war in Ukraine, those who have more should pay more.

70.6% of Spaniards support the aforementioned tax on large fortunes which, according to the Simple Lógica questionnaire, formulated to 1,078 people, would only affect Spaniards who declare assets equal to or greater than ten million euros. If the survey is analyzed according to the party to which each of the respondents gave their vote in the last general elections – only the four forces of state implantation, PSOE, PP United We Can, Vox and Citizens are distinguished – it is evident that, although by a slight difference, only among the voters of the extreme right there are more citizens who reject this hypothetical tribute than those who support it. In that case, that of Vox supporters, 46.1% of them support this new tax, while 46.7% criticize it.

The situation is reversed in the case of PP voters. Despite the proclamations of its top leaders against taxes, with the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, at the head of that strategy that has also been adopted by the party’s national leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, there are more ( 48.5%) those who would support the new tax than those who reject it (47.5%). That margin between supporters and opponents of the tax is widened if you ask those who voted for Ciudadanos in the last elections. 64.8% of the voters of the self-proclaimed “liberal” formation want a new tribute for the great fortunes, compared to 6.5% who do not want it and 28% who say they do not have a clear position.

The measure is widely supported by voters of the Government parties. In favor of the new tax, 87.5% of the socialist voters and 96.5% of those of Unidos Podemos are shown. The sympathizers of these left-wing formations also support the taxes on banks and large energy companies approved by the Executive just before the summer break. In reality, these two measures receive wide social support. The banking tax is endorsed by 53.7% of Spaniards and, that of the large energy companies, by 56%.

Among socialist voters, 83.8% support this latest tax on energy companies, a percentage that rises to 84% in the case of the tax on banks. Those who in the last elections opted, instead, for United We Can, 90.2% support that it be taxed with a new tax on electricity companies, and 89.8%, that of banking. If the Ciudadanos voters are asked, the situation is more equal since the support and rejection of both measures is, in both cases, around 30%, although support for the energy tax wins (35.3% compared to to 31.7%) and the rejections of the bank (37.9% who say they are against it compared to 29.1% who are in favor).

Voters on the right of PP and Vox are, however, widely against these two new government initiatives. In the case of the tax on energy companies, it is rejected by 64.6% of PP voters (compared to 27.5% who support it) and 61.7% of Vox voters (26.6% support it). %). The tribute to the bank is criticized by 64.4% of popular voters (compared to 24.1% who support it) and 70.3% of the far-right party (compared to 17.9% who support it).

The endorsement of the Spaniards who voted for the parties that are in government for these two new measures is, on the other hand, above 80%, bordering on 90% in the case of the voters of United We Can, the minority partner that pressured the majority, the PSOE, for weeks to launch the taxes that were announced by the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, during the debate on the state of the nation last July. Support for the new taxes is also the majority – above 80% – in the case of the voters of the nationalist and independence parties, the necessary partners of the Executive parties to be able to approve both initiatives in the Congress of Deputies.

Simple Lógica also divides the responses of the respondents according to their age and in the questions about all the taxes mentioned, the group most likely to implement them is the one between 55 and 66 years old.

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