Science and Tech

60% of Spaniards change their habits of consumption of electrical appliances before the rise in the price of electricity

60% of Spaniards change their habits of consumption of electrical appliances before the rise in the price of electricity

March 23 (Portaltic/EP) –

Six out of ten Spaniards have modified their consumer habits in relation to household appliances as a result of the rise in electricity prices. A change in habits that is perceived more noticeably among the population over 40 years of age, although the impact is widespread in all age groups and areas of Spain, as revealed by the second edition of the ‘Report on household appliances Connected’ from Haier.

This study, which analyzes the main consumption habits in Spanish households, detects a growth in the penetration of smart home appliances in Spanish homes in 2022. In this sense, three out of every ten Spanish households (29 percent) already have a smart appliance, which represents a rise of 4 points compared to the previous year.

Precisely the rise in electricity prices has led a large part of Spaniards to identify energy saving as the most important characteristic of smart home appliances (59 percent), an option that is expected to continue to gain strength in the coming months. The study also reveals other characteristics important to respondents, such as the comfort (43 percent) and saving time (38% percent).


In relation to the most used functions of smart home appliances, it stands out The programing (52 percent), automatic power off and power on (51 percent) and, thirdly, the remote connection (48 percent).

The use of these functions has also grown significantly compared to last year. Currently, 81 percent of Spaniards who have a smart appliance You already use or plan to use the different functions they offer. This figure represents an increase of 7 points compared to 2021 and shows the consolidation of a trend that is being promoted by innovative applications such as hOn from Haier, which facilitate access to all available functions.

With this study, Haier has also been able to learn that more than half of Spaniards (55 percent) are influenced by the fact that an appliance is intelligent in their purchase decision. Their practicality and ease of use are some of the key categories that lead consumers to buy these products over conventional ones.


For Spaniards, the perception of price is also relevant: half of those surveyed would be willing to pay more for a smart model than for a conventional one, which means an increase of 10 points in just one year.

Faced with this new reality, marked by the consolidation of smart devices, the commitment to the development and application of Artificial Intelligence in its products is one of the values ​​of Haier Europe, which aspires to become “the leading group in solutions for the connected home”, as the company explains.

“With the hOn app we offer our clients a living ecosystem with which they can manage appliances from Haier, Hoover and Candy. Our commitment to connectivity and innovation has led us to incorporate outstanding features in this application, which allows easy access to services and advice, with the aim of encouraging our customers to save and promoting more sustainable habits”, says Xavier Rofes, Country Manager of Haier Europe in Spain.

In fact, with the application of Artificial Intelligence in the solutions it is possible know the usage habits of consumers in connection with the company’s appliances in order to optimize programs and have suggestions based on the experience of each user. In addition, the hOn app also checks the usage of home appliances and notifies users when it is the perfect time to perform preventive maintenance and ensure the appliances have a longer life cycle.

“This commitment is aligned with Haier’s commitment to sustainability and environmental protection,” adds the company, which is supported to achieve these commitments in “high-tech products to encourage savings with a personalized experience” and in agreements with companies like Hive Power or Edison Energia, which “promote the growth of energy communities and the use of solar energy.”

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