economy and politics

58,057 formal jobs were created in August

58,057 formal jobs were created in August

The figure for August this year is the lowest generation of formal employment for that same month since 2019, when an increase of 36,631 jobs was reported.

In the cumulative period from January to August 2024, formal employment generation is 365,449 jobs, 41.4% lower than those created in the same period in 2023 (623,979 jobs).

This figure reflects a significant slowdown in the creation of formal employment in 2024, since from 2021 to 2023 for that period from January to August, job creation was above 600,000.

In total, as of August 31, 2024, 22,389,835 jobs are registered with the IMSS, 86.6% are permanent and 13.4% are temporary.

For the last 12 months there has been a growth of 392,960 jobs, equivalent to an annual rate of 1.8%.

The economic sectors with the highest annual percentage growth in jobs are: transportation and communications (5.2%), commerce (3.2%) and social and community services (2.6%).

Chiapas, Hidalgo and the State of Mexico lead the annual increases above 5%.

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