Science and Tech

5 tools to create a custom Linux distro

5 tools to create a custom Linux distro

We all know that there are many Linux distros, very varied and of quite different types.

It may be that you have one as your favourite, but it may also happen that you have not found one that suits what you are looking for and needs, hence the importance of a personalized distribution.

If we have the right tools we can create our own that is exactly what we are looking for in Linux, not being as difficult as you might imagine at first, although it is true that it takes some time to achieve it.

There are many tools for this purpose, some of them are universal and others are specific to the distribution, but all of them are extremely capable of making you achieve a distro that you can truly say is yours, that is one hundred percent to your liking.

Let’s see which ones give the best results:

Linux LiveKit

Linux LiveKit It is the first tool that we are going to show you so that you can produce your own distributions, also serving to make a backup of the system.

Although it is configured to work preferably in Debianthe truth is that it can be used in other distributions, although they must be compatible with the modules kernel aufs and squashfs.

One of the most positive parts of this tool is that we can use an assistant that it brings with which we can generate a distribution in a quite pleasant and fast way.

The whole process of creating a new distro is marked by the bash-scriptwhich takes all the files on your system and puts them into a bootable ISO, making it a running image.

Another of the most interesting feature of this tool is the ability to take the distro on a usb drive so you don’t have to install directly on your computer.


customizer it is a tool that has stopped developing, but that does not mean that it does not work well.

Here what we can is to put to our liking and with the characteristics that we want Ubuntu and other variants such as Xubuntu and Kubuntu.

In any case, we must bear in mind that there is a restriction and that it is important, since the host system what are you using must share the same version number and architecture than the guest system you are remixing.

Except this, it is a tool, where the interface is not that much accompanying, as it looks somewhat dated, but is still easy to understand, given the simplicity of its design. Everything we are going to need is at hand, without major complications.


If you are a fairly skilled Arch user, it is more than possible that you have used the BTRFS file system to back up your data. From here, we must tell you something that you may not have known, since all Arch-based distributions have access to a tool to create ISO files.

This tool is known as Archiso and it is more than a command line with which we will be able to create a complete Arch Linux ISO, including everything that we customize.

The archive wiki It will give us a lot of information on how it works and how we can configure it.

It’s a tool that puts the system on the boot drive, but it doesn’t stop there, as it also has a number of ways to customize it, including installing applications that your system doesn’t currently have, such as adding a machine virtual laptop to test your image.

Linux from Scratch

There is a very simple way to have the absolute control of everything which will include our distribution, being able to customize it at much higher rates than in the previous examples.

Linux from Scratch has a very extensive documentationbeing a very interesting resource when it comes to learning about Linux in general, not only about how to create your own distribution, but also because of the many different ways of customizing it.

Something that is really very useful is that this tool will allow us to produce our own custom Linux system completely from source code.

It is not really a tool to use as the previous ones that we have seen are, but it can be used to customize a distro in a very simple way, in addition to allowing us to learn a lot. linux.

MX Snapshot

It may be that what you are looking for is a tool that can easily and quickly reproduce the entire system from a GUI. Well, to do it this way you should use MX Snapshot.

You must know that it forces you to use MX, so it can be changed from the traditional, especially since this is an extremely easy to use ISO creator.

After a little time, having enough patience, we will be able to see how the process is more advanced than it seemed, since it is very intuitive.

This tool is capable of automating the entire process of creating the distribution that we have made for ourselves, placing our personalized distribution in a ISO file in our home directory.

Although MX Linux is based on Debian, unfortunately, if we use MX Snapshot for other distributions, we will not be able to search for files that are specificsince that is exclusive to this one.

With everything we have told you are going to get personalized distros in much easier and simpler ways than you could expect. Yes, it is true that all the tools that we have rescued for you to know, need a period of adaptation to its interface and all its features, but, if you have previous experience, it will not cost you too much.

Our social networks are prepared for you to tell us which of all of them is the one you have chosen and why. You can also tell us what you have managed to achieve with them and what has been your level of customization that you have achieved.

We want to know your opinion and, above all, your experience.

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