economy and politics

28M elections in La Rioja: the map of the results of the regional elections, municipality by municipality

28M elections in La Rioja: the map of the results of the regional elections, municipality by municipality

Source: Autonomous Communities

Check the maps of live to see live the details of the results of the 28M regional elections in each municipality of La Rioja. Check which has been the most voted candidacy, and the second; Check which localities changed their winner with respect to the 2019 regional elections, which has been the winner according to the size of the locality, or where the left and right rise or fall.

Explore the buttons to see the results by parties or by ideological blocks. In addition, the upper button allows you to consult these results by municipality.

What block goes up or down compared to 2019? Where does each one devastate? In the following tables you can check, for the 33 most populated municipalities in La Rioja, how the vote for left-wing and right-wing parties has been in 2023 and how many points it goes up or down compared to the last regional elections.

The left won by +10 points in 2019

The left got +5 points than the right

neither left nor right

The right got +5 points than the left

The right won by +10 points in 2019

more results

Other regional elections

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