economy and politics

28.4% of older adults are in a situation of poverty

28.4% of older adults are in a situation of poverty

While the situation of the elderly has recently gained relevance with the discussion of the pension reform, andhe Institute for Aging of the Javerianal University revealed the results of a study on the living conditions of the elderly population 60 years old.

(See: Pension reform: requirements to access a bonus of 223,000 pesos)

Among the main findings of the study is that 1.8 million people aged 60 or over (28.4%) are in a situation of monetary poverty, according to figures from Dane, by 2021.

And that in addition, only 25.5% of people in that age range have a pension, “which extends the working life of this age group, especially in informal jobs and with meager payments. A situation that worsens in rural areas of the country”says the research.

(See: These are the living conditions of the elderly in the country)

Linked to this, researchers from the Institute on Aging found that the activities they mainly carry out are housework and care work, especially womenbut also that generally they do not have a remuneration or recognition.

In addition, the study emphasizes that, currently, 14% of the Colombian population are people over 60 years of age, an estimated 7.1 million, where 55.1% are women and the remaining 44.9% are men. .

“Population aging is closely linked to the social development of geographical areas, since the least aged register less social development, and vice versa”says the research.

Another aspect that the Institute emphasizes is the housing and family conditions of the elderly. According to the research, 60% of older people in urban areas lived in their own home and the majority had public services. However, the document highlights, the payment of these meant, in many cases, constant deprivation in aspects such as nutrition and health.

(See: Subsidy for the elderly will no longer be $500,000, according to the reform)

Likewise, In 2021, 23.1% of older adults received family or government monetary contributions. The Institute also highlighted that households made up of a couple and one-person households are increasing in the country, the daily supports of the elderly will be significantly reduced.


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