
200 resignations in the ranks of Macron and Mélenchon to stop Le Pen in the second round of the legislative elections

200 resignations in the ranks of Macron and Mélenchon to stop Le Pen in the second round of the legislative elections

Stop Marine Le Pen. To this end, More than two hundred candidates from various parties, mostly from Emmanuel Macron’s alliance and the leftist New Popular Front of Jean-Luc Mélenchonthey have resigned to participate in the second round of French legislative elections this Sunday.

The purpose of this mass withdrawal is to prevent the division of the vote by the so-called triangularthat is, the confrontation between three candidates in a constituency, and thus prevent the far-right candidate National Grouping (RN) of Le Pen and its president and candidate for prime minister Jordan Bardella obtain an absolute majority in the French Assembly.

The deadline for formalizing the candidacies ended this Tuesday at 18:00 and at the end of the period a total of 218 resignations, which reduces to 91 the number of contests with three candidates in the 502 constituencies that will be decided on Sunday, as well as two others with four candidates.

The vast majority of resignations have been from candidates of Together for the Republicthe centre-right alliance of President Macron, and the left-wing New Popular Front, leaving only one rival to the far-right contender for the seat in each of these constituencies.

At least 130 resignations come from left-wing candidates82 from the Macronist camp, 2 from the traditional right and 3 from the RN, the latter to support a better-placed like-minded candidate.

All this to prevent that National Grouping reach an absolute majority, at least 289 of the 577 deputies, this Sunday, after the first round of the last June 30th The far-right formation and its allies managed to a historic victory with 33.15% of the votes.

Of France’s 577 constituencies, the RN won the most votes in 297, while the Left Front won in 159, compared to 70 for the Macronist bloc and 20 for the conservative LR. In the remaining 31 constituencies, the most voted candidate was an independent from the far right, right, centre or left, as well as several regionalists.

A total of 75 deputies were directly elected by obtaining more than 50% of the votes in their constituencies: 38 from the far right (37 from the RN and one independent from that ideology) and 37 from all other parties.

The deadline for submitting candidacies has been preceded by two days of tensions, reproaches and very intense negotiations. Several figures from the far right of Macronism, such as the former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe or the head of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire They were reluctant to facilitate the victory of candidates from The Insoumise France (LFI) of Mélenchon.

Furthermore, many analysts and experts are questioning the effectiveness of this strategy of asking voters of those who are withdrawing to support another candidate with a very different ideology, since it could cause the opposite effect by causing them to abstain in favour of the far-right candidate.

Le Pen accuses Macron of “administrative coup”

Amid this tension, Marine Le Pen accused Macron on Tuesday of prepare “a kind of administrative coup d’état” to prevent them from having a free hand if they come to power.

The leader of the French far-right has made this accusation without presenting any evidence based on rumours that the president is going to make dozens of last-minute appointments. “I hope it’s just a rumor,” Le Pen stressed in an interview with the radio station France Inter.

In addition to these rumours, the far-right leader supported this accusation at the last Council of Ministers, on June 26, when the military governor of Paris, the new Chief of Staff of the Air Force, the new director of the European Union in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and three ambassadors were appointed.

“He appoints people to his side who will prevent the French people from pursuing their policies within the State,” said Le Pen.

In his opinion, these appointments They seek to “prevent Bardella from governing the country as he wants” if the National Rally achieves an absolute majority this Sunday.

“For people who They give lessons in democracy to the whole world“It’s surprising to act this way,” she stressed, visibly angry.

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