In the previous Memorandum we left the dictator dying in room 103 of the La Paz Sanitary City. Those who instrumentalized his end decided that he officially died in the early hours of November 20, some say that to make it coincide with that of The AbsentJosé Antonio Primo, shot on November 20, 1936, and others, who to control the information and citizen reaction to the heartfelt, desired, expected news of the Great Death. The most reliable testimonies indicate that brain death occurred in the evening of the 19th, but the order to disconnect the artificial respirator was not given until the beginning of the next day.
Anyway, 2024 is the 60th anniversary of that monstrous image campaign of the dictatorship administered by its Minister of Information and Tourism, Manuel Fraga, entitled ‘XXV Years of Peace’ – peace of the cemeteries, peace and science (patience), the characterized popular ingenuity – and it is the eve of half a century of true peace, without Franco, the greatest peaceful period in the history of Spain. On November 20, 1975, this new era that we live in began.
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