Bricks made with plastic waste, crops on lunar soil, environmental pollution filters for chimneys and compost-based electricity generation are some of the projects being developed by 38 teams made up of students and teachers from the Aysén Region.
The activity, organized by the Explora Aysén Project of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation executed by the Austral University of Chile through the Patagonia Campus, brought together the teams on Thursday, June 30 and Friday, July 1 in Puerto Aysén and Coyhaique, respectively. Both events included the participation of Carolina Lagos, a marine biologist and science educator, and Patricio Muñoz, a professor dedicated to promoting creative thinking and innovation, who, through both practical and theoretical activities, contributed to the search for methodologies and solutions for the projects. through different disciplines such as biology, chemistry and physics, in the case of research projects, and immersion, ideation and prototyping in innovation projects, respectively.
Observe, ask and hands to science!
The “Hands on Science” day sought to provide the necessary tools and skills for scientific school development. Regarding the instance, Nicolás López, in charge of the School Research and Innovation Program (IIE), indicated: “Unlike the first workshop, which contemplated the correct creation of a scientific research question through observation, in this second the development of hypotheses, general and specific objectives in the investigative process was proposed, in addition to seeking solutions from various disciplines of The science”. Regarding the call, he commented that “It is very important for us to have the presence of students and teachers from various locations in our region, such as Chile Chico, Villa O’Higgins, Cochrane, Villa Mañihuales, Puerto Cisnes, Puerto Aysén and Coyhaique.”.
What pigments does spinach have?
One of the outstanding workshops was the practical theoretical activity carried out by Carolina Lagos, who led an experiment that sought to extract plant pigments through the paper chromatography technique: “The objective of this experiment is to determine the types of pigments present in various types of vegetables in order to find different methodological solutions according to the research question. This is important to keep in mind our experimental design when investigating”, he indicated.
IIE is a program of the PAR Explora Aysén of the Patagonia Campus of the Austral University of Chile that seeks to enhance the innate investigative capacity of children and young people, through the realization of scientific research projects that arise from their own concerns, to Solve questions about their environment and daily life, collaboratively with their peers and accompanied by teachers and scientific advisers.
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