economy and politics

Wilson would be alive: operation in the jungle would end when they find him

children in the jungle

Wilson the Belgian Sheepdog of the Military Forces that was key in finding the four minors who were lost 40 days ago in the jungle of the Colombian Amazon, would be alive, according to official information.

(See: Confirmed: children rescued in the jungle will be transferred to Bogotá).

According to what has been learned, a military commando is still in the jungle looking for the dog and the ‘Operation Hope’ would not end until they find Wilson.

Its alive. The commandos have seen him a few times, but he runs off. he must be confused“, official sources said about Wilson.

(See: The 4 children who were lost in the Amazon are found alive).

The dog had been lost a few days ago in the middle of the search for the minors. Furthermore, as has been reported, was a key player in the operation: it would have led the military to several clues and to the point where they found the minors.

(See: ‘A joy for the country!’: Petro talks about found children).

This June 9 from the Catam Military Base, Brigadier General Pedro Sánchez Suárez, Commander of the Colombian Joint Command of Special Operations (CCOES) affirmed about Wilson that: “It is not known where it is, the truth is that we did not leave a command behind. We are aware that it is a great challenge to find it, we have decided to propose a strategy to continue the operation, our goal is to find it“.

After 40 days lost in the jungle, the brothers Lesly Jacobombaire Mucutuy, 13 years old; Soleiny Jacobombaire Mucutuy, 9 years old; Tien Noriel Ronoque Mucutuy, 4 years old, and Cristin Neriman Ranoque Mucutuy, 11 months; They were found.

children in the jungle

Military forces

They had been lost since May 1, when a small plane in which they travel with their mother and two other adults (all three died) disappeared and crashed in the Colombian jungle.

Currently, the children are in Bogotá, where they are being treated at the Military Hospital.


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