economy and politics

Will water rationing and shortages continue in Bogotá during 2025?


Bogota and some of its surrounding municipalities face a severe water shortage, which has led the Bogotá Aqueduct and the Mayor’s Office to implement awareness and rationing measures. Since the beginning of the year, the city has been subjected to sectoral water cuts, the result of a prolonged dry season that has drastically reduced reservoir levels.

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The Chuza and San Rafael reservoirs, among the main ones that supply Bogotá, have experienced critical shortages. The lack of rain has left these sources at alarmingly low levels, causing concern among citizens and authorities.

In a consultation carried out by the newspaper EL TIEMPO, meteorologist Christian Euscátegui, with a master’s degree in meteorology sciences, analyzed the current situation and possible projections for the city.

Euscategui warned that, according to the panorama observed in 2024, similarly low water levels are anticipated for the first quarter of 2025, especially in Marchdue to the drought that historically affects the region at this time.

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Loren Buitrago/CEET

In addition, the meteorologist referred to the possible arrival of the La Niña Phenomenon, a climatic event that could bring rain in the second half of 2024. Although this condition could be a relief for the reservoirs, Euscátegui emphasized that it is crucial to adopt efficient measures in water management. “Regardless of whether the La Niña Phenomenon may occur, the trend in levels for that quarter will most likely be downward. For stabilization, it is necessary to implement effective strategies for the operation and rationalization of the resource.“he stated.

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In the face of this crisis, The Mayor’s Office has intensified awareness campaigns, urging Bogota residents to make responsible use of water. The messages highlight the importance of small actions, such as turning off the faucet while brushing teeth or repairing leaks in homes, which can contribute to more sustainable use of the resource.


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