Science and Tech

Which is the smartest country on the planet according to AI?

Which is the smartest country on the planet according to AI?

By giving the following directive to ChatGP: “Tell me which is the smartest country in the world and create a list where you comment on the reason for this choice”, a reasoned response was obtained.

Initially, the AI ​​replied that: “There is no consensus on this, intelligence is a complex and multifaceted concept that cannot be measured in a precise and unidimensional way.”

However, thanks to the GPT-3.5 model, which handles a massive volume of information, this intelligence evaluated global patterns and trends to provide an answer.

As it became known, the AI ​​evaluated the following items to give its final verdict:

– Results of international educational tests, such as the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA).

– Amount of resources invested in education in a country, which would shed light on the intellectual level of the inhabitants.

– Ease of access to information, that is, internet connectivity and the literacy rate.

– Technological development in a country, as well as the capacity to innovate validated in the number of registered patents, as well as investment in research.

With these points in mind ChatGTP defined that Singapore I would be the first on the list.

As stated by the AI, that country stands out for its results in international educational tests, investment in education, which would translate into greater intellectual development.


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