
“Where is the king, why doesn’t he come out on the balcony?”

"Where is the king, why doesn't he come out on the balcony?"

Although many expected Carlos III would go out to greet the British from the balcony of St James after being proclaimed king of England, finally it has not been so, which has caused scenes of bewilderment among those gathered there. “Where is the new monarch, why doesn’t he come out?” Those gathered under the balcony wondered. The truth is that the protocol indicated that the new king would be proclaimed from the balcony, but it did not specify that he would come out to greet.

The one who has gone out on the balcony has been another king, but this was the king of armsin charge of reading “the first and main Proclamation” of Carlos III, culminated by a fanfare Y parade militarywhich will also be recited in the old City of London (today its financial center) and in Scotland, Welsh and North Ireland. The reading was also accompanied by cannon salutes and an interpretation of the national anthem, in which “God save the queen” is now replaced by “God save the king“.

The King of Arms has asked at the end “three cheers for his majesty the king”, to which the Royal Guard has responded with cheers and raising their bearskin caps.

[Carlos III, proclamado rey de Inglaterra: “Me voy a dedicar a esta tarea el resto de mi vida”]

Previously, the Ascension Council -ceremonial institution that is only convened when there is a new monarch- pronounced this same proclamation inside the palace, in which the death of Isabel II and her succession by Carlos III are formally confirmed, although in reality the heir replaced her automatically after her death last Thursday.

The Council, made up of political and social authorities, states in very formal and ancient language that, after the death of the sovereign, the crown passes to her eldest son.

Carlos III is officially proclaimed the new king: “I will strive to follow the inspiring example of my mother”

“The Lords Spiritual and Temporal of this Realm, and Members of the House of Commons together with other Members of Her Late Majesty’s Privy Council and Representatives of the Realms and Territories, Aldermen, Citizens of London and others, with one voice and consent of tongue and heart we publish and proclaim that the prince Charles Philip Arthur George has now become, due to the death of our sovereign of happy memory, our only legitimate and happy lord, Carlos III,” says the text.

[La gran tristeza de Camilla: riguroso luto y solemnidad en su primer acto como reina consorte]

The declaration then promises “faith and obedience with humble affection”, wishing him a long reign.

real audiences

During the day this Saturday, the new king of the United Kingdom will hold audiences with various religious and political leaders of the country, such as the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, Primate of the Anglican Church; again with the prime minister, Liz Trussand his cabinet and with opposition leaders in Parliament, led by Labor Keir Starmer.

While Carlos III assumes his new duties, preparations continue for the queen’s state funeral, which is expected to take place on September 19, although the official schedule has not been announced.

What has already been communicated is that that day, when leaders from around the world will come to London to bid farewell to Elizabeth II, will be declared a public holiday in the United Kingdom.

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