economy and politics

What to keep in mind to identify a counterfeit banknote

What to keep in mind to identify a counterfeit banknote

Easter It is for many a season of rest, travel and family outings, which implies higher expenses. In Colombiaa country where cash is present in more than 75% of transactions, these dates also become the occasion for possible fraud with counterfeit bills.

The Banco de la República indicates that in the days leading up to Easter in the last four years, the average daily amount of cash outflows (bills) has doubled compared to the average observed since the beginning of each year.

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Therefore, the Transmitter launched a new alert for people to identify when they are facing a authentic ticket and which is available in Bank communication channels.

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In times like this, the need and demand for cash by citizens grows. For this reason, we emphasize how people can easily identify and verify the security devices incorporated into the banknotes.”, he explained Bibiana Gordillo Díaz, head of the Monetary Species Study Section of the Banco de la República.

It is worth remembering that the current family of banknotes, made up of six references, it entered circulation in 2016. For her, according to Gordillo, the Bank incorporated state-of-the-art security elements and devices, but also easy to verify for the public.

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This, according to the official, has made it possible to reduce counterfeiting rates in the country, which are low relative to other nations, and has helped the public defend themselves against counterfeiting.

Everything is susceptible to forging, but the important thing is that people are not victims for not knowing an authentic piece”, comments Gordillo.

On the obverse, the side on which we find the main character of the bill, it is possible to find towards the left area the watermarkwhich can be verified at candlingand a clear, sharp and defined image should be seen.

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On the obverse we will also find in the central part a very striking element for citizens, an image that presents a change of color and movement effect, in the denominations of 20, 50 and 100 that image changes from green to blue; for low denominations it changes color from copper to green”, indicates the expert.

On the reverse, or the other side of the bill, there is a security tape that crosses the top of the bill and is in the mass of the paper. For Gordillo, in this element you can verify three “windows” that change color.

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