Science and Tech

What is USB PD, how it works and why it is important for charging your mobile

5 features that make USB-C unique and how to get the most out of them

In a world where mobile phones evolve at a dizzying pace, charging standards have also had to catch up. Batteries are becoming larger in capacity and thinner in design, and the need to charge them quickly has become a priority.

Among the various ways to charge smartphones and other devices, one of the most popular and revolutionary in recent years is fast charging, achieved through the universal standard. USB Power Delivery (USB PD).

With this technology, you can charge not only your mobile, but also laptops and tablets, all through a single USB-C cable. The real wonder is that you can do it in a matter of minutes, making this tool one of the most efficient and versatile on the market today.

USB Power Delivery: fast charging for all your devices

Released in 2012, USB PD is a fast charging standard that allows charging a wide variety of mobile devices. The best? You can do it in less than an hourdepending on the load power.

Automatically detects the power needs of the connected device and supplies the appropriate amount of power. This means you can use the same charger for any device without worrying about damaging the battery.

Additionally, USB PD supports bidirectional charging, allowing one device to not only receive power, but also provide it to another device. Since its launch, this standard has gone through several versions, each improving efficiency and loading capacity:

  • USB PD 1.0: Introduced in 2012, this version allowed up to 100W charging, with five predefined power profiles.
  • USB PD 2.0: This version introduced more flexibility with variable current profiles, while maintaining the 100W limit, enough for most use cases, from smartphones to small laptops.
  • USB PD 3.0: Similar to 2.0 in terms of power, but with significant improvements in data transfer and power management, allowing devices to report charge rate and temperature.
  • USB PD 3.1: The most recent version, which allows charging up to 240W, opening up new possibilities for charging larger and more demanding devices such as laptops and monitors.

To take advantage of USB Power Delivery, you need three essential components: a compatible charger, a USB-C cable, and a device that supports this standard. Compatibility is key, so make sure both your charger and device are designed for USB PD.

It should be noted that many modern devices, especially high-end and premium models, are already prepared for this technology, and often the USB-C cables found on the market are also compatible.

Why is USB PD important for your mobile?

USB PD is important for several reasons. First, its ability to charge devices quickly and efficiently is a huge advance, especially in a world where time is of the essence. You no longer need multiple chargers for different devices; A single charger can handle from your mobile to your laptop.

Second, standardization across the industry, reducing the need for proprietary chargers that only work with specific devices. This not only makes life easier for users, but also contributes to the reduction of electronic waste, since fewer different chargers are needed.

Finally, USB PD bi-directional charging is a significant advantage. Imagine being able to use your laptop to charge your mobile or even charge another device in emergency situations. This flexibility adds a level of convenience that traditional charging standards simply cannot match.

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Tags: USB charger

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