Online interaction through forums and social networks is radical and there is little room for neutral or halfway points. In the case of gaming, this has gotten out of control and dealing with some communities does not always lead to pleasant experiences but rather toxic environments. There are more and more studies that seek to measure this type of fact and recently one that was launched in search of the rudest gaming communities was shared on the popular reddit platform.
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These are the gaming communities with the largest lexicon on reddit
A study conducted by Oddsseeker (via destructoid) analyzed 366,904 gaming-specific reddit posts to find the communities that are the rudest. It is not really that they are hostile environments, but that the use of profanity is greater and this ranges from the simple way of dealing with a subject without violating anyone to doing it properly with all kinds of insults. Initially, the study starts from something positive because it goes in search of the communities that use the greatest number of words, that is, they have a wide lexicon.
In this sense, the community with the greatest number of unique words to express itself is that of League of Legends while the one with the least lexicon is that of Grand Theft Auto V. However, by taking the analysis towards the platforms, console and PC users get very well off.
These are the gaming communities that use the most profanity on reddit
Now, regarding the subject of the study, profanity, it was found that the communities that use the most profanity are those of Hogwarts Legacy who without problems takes the advantage over all, followed by the Call of Duty: Warzone and of StarCraft. In terms of platforms, it stands out that the rudest community is that of PlayStationfollowed by that of PC and Nintendo.

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