Science and Tech

What is erectile dysfunction according to science?

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The human body is a large system that in a coordinated manner activates functions and organic responses in favor of life.

Is systemic complexity it forces science to search for integrated causes of disease of any kind.

It is the case of the erectile dysfunctionto which are associated a number of causes that give rise to this type of physical condition.

The ailments of erectile dysfunction must be known to be treated in a timely mannerin order to receive the indicated treatment, no future complications.

You are welcome to learn more about a holistic view that the science of this type of social, psychological and physical condition offers us.

Erectile dysfunction, a scientific perspective

We will understand by erectile dysfunction the inability to have an active sexual response to any stimulus.

This condition finds its answer in complex brain processes (as primary sexual organ), due to hormonal or neurostimulatory alterations.

For its part, the circulatory system is presented as a network of blood endings, which give or not impulse to the vasodilation; If there are deficiencies of this type, the Central Nervous System You will lose responsiveness, considerably affecting your response to stimuli.

Culture seems to have no participation, but it is not so, culturally speaking, man has a role of provision and continuous effort; Faced with this reality, stress It is more accentuated in the male population.

From a scientific point of view, erectile dysfunction could also be associated with:

  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Tobacco or drug use
  • Sleep disorders
  • low testosterone

Indicative of being suffering from Erectile Diffusion

Each person will experience various physical, psychological and even biological changes, however, in general, there are three descriptive elements, which allow science to locate the possible degree of condition in which the patient is.

We have already detailed them:

Many times, man desires, imagines, recreates and dreams of the moment of pleasure; before any of these stimuli, he is certainly preparing a cultivation of sensations for the time of completion.

It happens that, when he is in the sexual act, the idea that was traced of it cannot be carried out, given the lack of sexual response.

Faced with any sexual stimulus, the man who suffers from erectile dysfunction It usually stays upright for a short time.

This prevents them from reaching the maximum point of pleasure together, according to the couple.

These are the cases considered critical, and in general, medical treatment usually combines neurostimulators and vitamin complexes that help improve the brain response to any stimulus of pleasure.

Recommendations for the medical appointment

When you consult your Urologist for these types of alterations in your body, you must take into account some questions that he or she will have to ask you, in order to find a accurate diagnosis and accurate treatment respectively.

However, What questions will he surely have to answer? We will mention them below:

  1. Do you use or have you used drugs?
  2. Do you have relatives who have suffered or suffer from: diabetes, smoking, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, prostate disease and other related diseases?
  3. Do you maintain the size of your testicles?
  4. Suffering from: ailments in the knee, patella, pelvis or back.
  5. Blue feet coloration.
  6. Tingling, numbness, incontinence, tremors, weight loss, loss of body hair.
  7. Depression.
  8. Couple with vaginal dryness.

How to avoid suffering from erectile dysfunction?

It is detailed below:

  • regular physical exercise
  • Maintain a control of blood values
  • Maintain diabetes control (if applicable)
  • Reduce or stop smoking
  • Procure states of well-being, through recreation

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