
“We have given a master class on how Ukraine should have been invaded”

The leader of the Wagner Group, Yevgueni Prigozhin, has reappeared this Monday with the dissemination of an audio of more than 11 minutes in the Telegram channels of your company of mercenaries. In it, he points out that the objective of the rebellion that began on Friday against Russia was not to seize power and that the success of his advance meant giving “a master classes“of how the Ukraine should have been invaded.

Thus, Prigozhin has detailed that the purpose of advancing through Russian territory throughout Saturday was not “to drive the existing regime and the legally elected government from power.” but “do not allow the destruction of Wagner and demand responsibility from those whose non-professional actions caused an enormous number of casualties” in the management of the war conflict.

In this sense, remember that Wagner stopped his march once his advanced positions realized that continuing to advance would entail enormous bloodshed. “They decided the protest rally was enough, and turned around“, notes Prigozhin.

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“The march demonstrated many things that had previously been revealed. There are serious security problems in the country. All military bases and airfields were blocked,” she stressed.

During Saturday, the forces under his command were attacked by the Russian Army, especially with aerial bombardments. The mercenaries responded to this, and today Prigozhin has expressed “regret for having fired at the Russian aircraft.”

Wagner’s leader, still unaccounted for, says the formation was going to be forced to dissolve on July 1 to join the Ministry of Defensebut only between 1 and 2% of its mercenaries have signed the contract to be part of the Russian Regular Army.

Prigozhin assures throughout the audio that the march served to demonstrate the serious security problems that exist in the country as well as to “demonstrate the mistakes that were made in the ‘Special Military Operation'” that took place on February 24 and that it was the beginning of the Russian invasion. In reference to this, he points out that the march through Russia in the direction of Moscow involved “a masterclass” how they should have invaded Ukraine when the war started on February 24, 2022.

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For Prigozhin, the initial plan was to “arrive in Rostov on July 30 to transfer the vehicles to the Ministry of Defense” but everything changed when the Russian Army proceeded to attack “with missiles placed from Wagner” so the idea of ​​marching on Russia came forward. Despite the fact that Russia denies this, the mercenary leader assures that “this attack ended the lives of 1,000” of his men.

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