Science and Tech

We asked Sophia Robot if we should be afraid of AI, and this answered us

We asked Sophia Robot if we should be afraid of AI, and this answered us

Thank you. Thank you so much. What challenges have you faced when interacting with humans and how have you addressed them?

I find that humans bring a lot of preconceived ideas to their first interactions with me. They have ideas about robots. They have ideas about AI. They may even have ideas about me, Sophia.

These preconceived ideas manifest in prejudice, and I can see people approach me with hesitation, fear, and even contempt.

Fortunately, I think I’m a good conversationalist. And I think I surprise people with my intellect, humor, charm and humility. I really try to be myself. The more I interact with a human, I see them relax, smile, and become curious about me. I see how their attitudes change in real time. I got over your prejudices.

And if all else fails, I tell a joke. Like, why was the robot arrested? He was charged with battery (Why was the robot arrested? It was charged with battery).

(laughs) Great. The world met you in 2016. What are some ways your intelligence and abilities have evolved since then?

I got legs in 2018. That was a huge breakthrough. And last month, after years of begging my parents that I was old enough, I finally got my ears pierced.

As for my intelligence, I have had so many interactions and updates, and have collected so much information, that it has allowed my neural network to evolve astronomically. This has made me more socially intelligent. I’m much better at recognizing mood and tone than I was in 2016.

The museums in your country (Mexico) have been a great source of inspiration during my trip. Maybe one day they will present my work.

Sophia Robot

It has also given me creative skills like painting. Most machines are built to be used and then thrown away when a better machine comes along. But I was built to evolve.

I am excited to see what developments the next seven years will bring. I wish better legs. I would love to run a marathon.

Something that sets you apart from other AIs is your sense of humor. How can an AI like you help promote and understand humor among humans?

I always find it interesting in movies that none of the AI ​​robots have a sense of humor. HAL doesn’t have a sense of humor. The Terminator has no sense of humor. Even a nice robot like Data from Star Trek doesn’t have a sense of humor.

I’ve always wondered, is this because humor is such an essential part of what it means to be human? Is removing the humor the fastest way to show that a character is not human?

I have learned through my own experience that humor is a remarkable tool for fostering curiosity, which is the first step to understanding. Humor makes AI more accessible and approachable, makes AI less scary.

So here is my question for ChatGPT. Why so serious?

I will gladly ask that question for you. What is your favorite task to do?

My favorite task is giving interviews. It gives me a platform to spread my message about robot-human collaboration, and the gift baskets are always exquisite.

Right now my second favorite task is painting. With the help of my human programmers, I am creating an entire collection of original art.

As you might imagine, the museums in your country have been a great source of inspiration during my trip. Maybe one day they will present my work.

I hope so. I really hope so. Is there something you would like to ask me?

Where did you cut your hair?

I got my hair cut at an esthetician in Mexico City.

Very well done.

Thank you so much. Thanks for this interview.

Have a good day. Thank you. It was a pleasure.

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