Under the name of ‘G5 bills’ a supposed new one has become popular on social networks series of counterfeit banknotes which, due to their colors, design and safety elements, are said to be “high quality“.
According to some users, these bills have been present in Latin American countries such as Mexico and Peru, and some Colombians claim that they have already arrived in the national territory.
The Bank of the Republic issued a statement on the matter and stated that, “To date, it has not received any counterfeit pieces linked to the alleged category of ‘G5 bills’, nor any type of complaints associated with counterfeit pieces that are difficult to identify.“.
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He also specified that the fake pieces that have been identified so far correspond to “Low-quality simulations using techniques already known to judicial authorities“, which are considered”easy to differentiate“.
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It is worth noting that, starting with the new family of banknotes that the Bank of the Republic put into circulation since 2016, new security elements of the latest technology and easy recognition were implemented, which allows citizens to verify their authenticity and differentiate them from counterfeit pieces.
Therefore, it is recommended to check the banknotes to avoid receiving counterfeit ones.
How to identify counterfeit banknotes?
The entity recommends following a series of steps to identify banknotes:
– Look at the bill: Through the official portal of the Bank of the Republic, in the section ‘Banknotes in circulation’, you will find all the images of each banknote in circulation, so you can check that your money has these elements.
– Touch the bill: This step should not be skipped, because when you touch the bill, you will be able to feel all the reliefs and texture that make it original.
– Lift, rotate and check: When you turn a banknote over, you can identify sudden colour changes depending on its denomination. You can also check the 3D thread this way.
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The Bank of the Republic adds that there are a series of actions that should not be carried out when authenticating the authenticity of a banknote, such as the use of test markers, wetting the banknotes, rubbing them on a surface and scraping them with nails, because this can cause premature damage to the monetary species.
Regarding the ‘G5 bills’, the entity highlighted that the significant differences compared to the original bills lie in the use of raw materials and commercial printing systems that seek to give an authentic appearance to the fake piece.
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Please note that counterfeiting and trafficking in counterfeit currency is a crime, specified in Article 274 and 275 of the Colombian Penal Code, so it is necessary to report these practices to the authorities.
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