At present, home automation is within the reach of almost all people and, in fact, the devices of Amazon They are usually on sale continuously. Taking this into account, the most normal thing is to buy a smart speaker with Alexa and then not take advantage of all its hidden and interesting features.
This may be your case, so we are going to see in detail how to turn your Amazon device with Alexa into a 24-hour home alarm totally free. If you Threw out It can also be an alarm with which to monitor your home both when you are in it and when you spend a few days away on vacation.
The first thing to keep in mind is that you have to have the application Amazon Alexa on your mobile device. The application is completely free and all you have to do is search for it in the application store of your iOS or Android device. After installing it, what you will have to do is configure your account and, of course, link your Amazon Alexa device.
The linking process is the simplest since Amazon registers in your account the devices that you have purchased and have linked to your account, such as the smart speaker with Alexa. With all this done, we are going to see exactly how to turn the Amazon device with Alexa into a 24-hour alarm.
So you can turn your Amazon device with Alexa into an alarm
You will have to open the Amazon Alexa application, within the application you must click on the “More” section in the lower right area. In this section you have to go to the “Routines” section and after that you just have to create a new routine. The creation of the routine is the key to this whole process since it will be in charge of making this work..
In the routines you will have to enter the name that you want to give to the routine. The next thing you should do is configure when you want the routine to be performed and, in this case, you should select the “Sound detection” option that will get Alexa to activate every time a sound you have chosen is detected.
There are several sounds to choose from: barking, water, snoring, crying, coughing, and beeping appliances. As soon as you choose the sound with which you want your Alexa to activate, you only have to configure the action that you want to happen, the Amazon Echo device being able to send you a notification to your mobile to record that this sound has occurred inside your homer.