economy and politics

This is the salary a Colombian must earn to be considered ‘upper class’

attract money

In colombiathe classification of the population according to their income levels provides a clear view of the economic differences that exist in the country.

(More: Minimum wage in Venezuela: this would be its equivalent in Colombian pesos).

Ranging from extreme poverty to significant wealth, data from the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) reveal the proportions of the population in each economic category.

So, according to Dane, the distribution of these classes is as follows: 36.6% of the population is in poverty, 30.7% in a vulnerable situation, 29.9% belong to the middle class, and only 2.8% identify themselves as upper class.

(Read: How much a minimum wage employee should work to earn as much as a billionaire).

The poor, which represents more than a third of the population, face serious economic constraints. The income of these households is so low that it barely covers basic needs such as food and housing.

The vulnerable population, although they have overcome the poverty line, still have a limited budget that does not allow them to meet all their daily needs. Their monthly income is between $420,676 and $781,000 pesos.

(See: How much does a D1 cashier earn in Colombia?).

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Middle classwhich comprises almost 30% of the population, has per capita incomes ranging from $781,000 and $4,206,033 pesos per monthThis social class has access to a variety of goods and services that are not within the reach of the lower classes, such as mobile plans, travel, and home internet services.

How much should a Colombian earn to be upper class?

Finallythe upper class, although it represents only 2.8% of the population, has a per capita income of more than 5 million pesos per monthThis segment of the population has seen a slight increase in its numbers, going from 1.28 million to 1.39 million people.

These households not only have their basic needs covered, but can also access luxuries and comforts that are beyond the reach of the majority of the population.

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Estimated monthly income by social class

The National Association of Financial Institutions (ANIF) also provides an estimate of the distribution of social classes in Colombia based on monthly income:

– Lower class: income below 420,676 pesos.

– Vulnerable class: income between 420,676 and 781,000 pesos.

– Middle class: income between 781,000 and 4,201,570 pesos.

– Upper class: income above 4,201,570 pesos.


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