Science and Tech

This is the maximum age that a human being will be able to live, according to scientists

This is the maximum age that a human being will be able to live, according to scientists

Whatever you do, even with medical advances, the human body has a limit to how it can recover.

For hundreds of years the human being has sought immortality, in the form of medicines or even in search of the fountain of eternal youth, and although we now live much longer than a century ago, the truth is that whatever we do We are all going to end up with the same fate.

And it is that the human being, as such, can never be immortal, and will end up aging, and with it abandoning his existence, but perhaps what he could find is a way to slow down old age.

Life expectancy in our country is above 80 yearsa figure more than a decade higher than the middle of the last century, which is a great advance.

This is due to advances in medicine, a healthier diet and obviously also genetics, but it seems that the human being has a limit no matter what he does: 150 years of age.

The person The oldest woman who has ever lived on our planet has been Jeanne Calment who reached 122 years after being born in 1875 and having died in 1997.

This is the age limit for the current human being

Now a group of scientists has discovered that the longest a human being will be able to live, whatever he does, even with the best advances, it would be 150 years.

This was stated by researchers from Singapore’s Gero biotechnology company and the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, New York, who studied human resilience, that is, the body’s ability to recover from damage.

To reach the conclusion they used artificial intelligence to review all the medical data of hundreds of thousands of volunteers to calculate the life maximum usefulness of a human being, comment from dailymail.

Considering the agediseases and lifestyle of all the participants found that somewhere between 120 and 150 years, the human body’s ability to recover will hit zero, meaning that a person will be able to live, at most, to be 150 years old. .

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