Android 14 is going to notify us if we download updates from sites that may not correspond to us.
When it comes to downloading our favorite applications, we not only have the relevant official stores such as the App Store or the Google Play Store, but also third-party stores.
Although it is totally recommended that you go to the official stores to download an application or an update of your favorite application, third-party stores are also valid, because thanks to them we can access a specific version that may be the only one that we it works on our device.
However, also trusting third-party stores can offer us greater risks when it comes to installing malware on our phone.
Be that as it may, with the arrival of Android 14 you will be notified if, for example, you want to download an update outside of your store Applications original.
Android Police
This is a “property update” API which enables to an app store, claim ownership of an app you install. So if any other different store tries to push an update to that applicationAndroid 14 will display a dialog, asking what you want to do.
So when an app store claims update ownership over an app on Android 14a dialog box will appear to continue or cancel.
This is interesting, because we may download an application in one store but update it in another, so that we know exactly what is happening and also to have a small layer of security to avoid the odd scare.