economy and politics

Thinking of getting residency in Spain? This is how you can do it

visa application

If you are considering emigrating and at the same time, with the decline in the value of the dollar and the euro, you plan to invest, you could access the residence for investors or the best known Golden Visa in Spain, a destination frequented by Colombians.

(See: ‘Green card’ or visa lottery: ways to go legal to the United States).

According to Pro Corp, a company specialized in investment banking and private investment management, Spain is a good option to invest because “hIt has experienced constant economic growth in recent years, offering various investment opportunities in sectors such as tourism, technology, renewable energy, financial services and real estate.”

About the sectors, “In real estate, this is where we identify profitable opportunities in key cities such as Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia, offering attractive internal rates of return ranging from 28% to 47%” assured Jaramillo Sanmiguel, president of Pro Corp.

In addition, Sanmiguel points out that “The Spanish market for buying, selling and renting real estate is highly competitive, but it revalues ​​in the medium term, and at the same time it offers the opportunity to obtain a Golden Visa residence, depending on the amount invested, which later allows you to acquire Spanish nationality”.

In this sense, the company clarifies that there are many options to obtain residence in Spain and then obtain nationalitythe company shares two ways that can be useful for Colombians.

(See: If you are looking for quality of life, Canada offers it).

visa application


This option is good for those who want to invest. According to Pro Corp, you can acquire it if you plan to invest in real estate, shares of a Spanish company, public debt or investment in a project that is going to be developed in Spanish territory.

The advantages it offers are:

– Right to live and work in Spain for 3 years, with the possibility of renewal for an additional 5 years.

– Option to apply for Spanish nationality.

– It is not necessary to become a tax resident, since it is only required to visit Spain once a year.

– You can make a joint application to include the spouse and children, also allowing them to opt for Spanish nationality after two years.

However, dbaby haveConsider the following investment requirements:

– It is necessary that the investment made is of a minimum amount of 500,000 euros.

– They must take into account other associated expenses, as additional taxes for the purchase of properties, which will vary according to the status of tax resident.

– It is not allowed to use financing,
as a mortgage loan, to carry out the investment.

(See: How to immigrate to Canada with the family?).

Non-profit residence

If in such a case you do not have capital to invest, then this would be the best option. With this visa you can stay for a year in Spanish territory with the option of renewal for 2 more years, thus being able to opt for nationality.

The advantages of this option are:

– Possibility of studying and doing internships.

– Freedom of movement throughout the European Union during the period of residence.

– The legal process to obtain this residency is relatively quick.

But, according to Pro Corp should take into account the following obligations:

– It is mandatory to start the process from the country of origin, and also demonstrate a minimum income of 28,800 euros per year to live in Spain.

– If the applicant wishes to emigrate with his family, an additional 7,200 euros is required for each member.

– Also It is important to note that the applicant will become a tax resident.

(See: Employment options in Spain where you do not need to be a professional).


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