economy and politics

They establish lines of work complementary to the agrarian reform

They establish lines of work complementary to the agrarian reform

The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Cecilia López Montaño, defined the 13 lines of work complementary to agrarian reformwhich will serve to improve marketing, financing and the inclusion of small producers in the production system, among other issues.

(Read: Tax, energy and land: Petro’s first economic month).

In the 13 lines of work The structural reform to credit, the reduction of input costs, the integration of environmental objectives to have a sustainable development and the establishment of a territorial approach for the chapter of the agricultural sector in the National Development Plan stand out.

The 13 lines of work complementary to the agrarian reform are:

1. Establishment of production chains that link large, medium and small producers.
2. Structural reform of agricultural credit with digital connectivity, an issue that Banco Agrario will lead.
3. Legislative act for the recognition of the peasantry as subject to rights of special constitutional protection.
4. Reforms to Finagro to generate more credit to cooperatives.
5. Scheme of commercialization that will work with the support of the FAO.
6. Food security with the World Food Program – UNDP – FAO.
7. Reduce the cost of inputs for the agricultural sector with credit from the World Bank for US$50 million.
8. Rethinking Agrosavia for the development of territorial innovation systems for small producers.
9. Management of budget resources to support the new sectoral agenda.
10.Strengthening of the UPRA for strategic information for the sector.
11.Strengthening of the Multipurpose Cadastre with the World Bank and IDB.
12.Integration of productive objectives with environmental ones within a framework of sustainable development.
13.Presentation of the Sectoral Plan for the National Development Plan with a territorial approach, for comprehensive, intersectoral care, with the territorial entities.

(Read: Land invasion: what happens with peasants, Government and landowners).

Finally, Minister López Montaño reported that she will lead the agrarian reform working group, which will be made up of the director of the SAE (Special Assets Society), Daniel Rojas, and officials from different government entities.


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