
The UN expresses its “concern” about the imprisonment in isolation of Suu Kyi and calls for her release in Burma

The UN expresses its "concern" about the imprisonment in isolation of Suu Kyi and calls for her release in Burma

June 24. (EUROPA PRESS) –

The United Nations has shown its “concern” over the transfer of the former ‘de facto leader’ of Burma Aung San Suu Kyi to a prison in the country’s capital, Naypyidaw, where she remains in isolation, and has reiterated its call for her release.

“I can say that we are very concerned about these latest events, which go against everything we have asked for, which is his release and the release of the president (Win Myint) and all political prisoners,” said the spokesman for the General Secretariat of the UN, Stephane Dujarric.

“We are concerned about her condition,” he reported, one day after a spokesman for the military junta that has governed the country since the February 2021 coup confirmed the transfer of Suu Kyi, 76, who was under house arrest at an undisclosed location.

The Burmese politician was sentenced in April to five years in prison on corruption charges and had previously been sentenced to six years in prison for incitement, flouting anti-pandemic restrictions and violating a telecommunications law. Likewise, she still faces charges for violating the Official Secrets Act, electoral fraud and corruption.

The coup was carried out by the Army to annul the results of the November 2020 general elections, in which the NLD won the parliamentary majority, arguing that there had been fraud, a claim questioned by international observers.

The military coup was followed by a harsh campaign of repression against opponents, activists and protesters that has resulted in nearly 2,011 deaths and more than 14,200 detainees to date, according to data published by the Association for the Assistance of Political Prisoners (AAPP). ) through his Twitter account.

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