economy and politics

The three key issues of the Petro government in its relationship with the US

The three key issues of the Petro government in its relationship with the US

The newly appointed Colombian ambassador to the United States, Luis Gilberto Murillo says that he Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States you have to check it” to answer the “new challenges“from both countries.

(See: The main points of the Petro tax, according to its Minhacienda).

Gustavo Petro, who will take office on August 7 as Colombia’s first leftist leader, has instructed his team to rethink relations with the US, Murillo said in an interview with Radius W

It is necessary to have a new vision“, he pointed.

The Petro government has three fundamental issues with the US, Murillo added.

“The first is the construction of complete peace, the second is related to climate change and the third is migration and inclusion,” he said.

(See: Produce to face the food crisis, Petro’s call).

The Petro administration wants to review the decade-old US-Colombia trade deal, but Murillo did not say what changes he might seek. the Colombian government.

The pact provides for the removal of tariffs and removes barriers to US services, including financial services.

During his campaign, Petro promised to review the FTA, which he has blamed for impoverishing Colombian farmers.

(See: This is how Gustavo Petro’s cabinet is left).

Petro, Murillo and the designated Foreign Minister Alvaro Leyva They met Friday with officials from the Biden administration in Colombia to discuss issues such as peace, climate change, migration and security.

Colombia is a fundamental and critical ally for the United States“said the American delegation before the trip.

As soon as Petro assumes the Presidency, it is expected that the country’s volatile border with Venezuela.

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