
The Somaliland region accuses Puntland of preparing an “attack” and assures that it will defend its territory in Somalia

The Somaliland region accuses Puntland of preparing an "attack" and assures that it will defend its territory in Somalia

March 3 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The authorities of the Somali semi-autonomous region of Somaliland have warned about the Puntland region’s plans to launch an “attack” in the coming days and have promised to “give as many months as necessary” to protect their territory.

The Somaliland Ministry of Defense has indicated in a statement that it informs the international community of “credible intelligence information” about Puntland’s plans for “an attack against the National Army of the Republic of Somaliland.”

“The Republic of Somaliland takes this threat seriously and has taken all necessary steps to protect the people and territories of Somaliland,” he said, before stating that “the Puntland administration has chosen to be hostile.”

“We want to be clear. We will not withdraw or surrender in the face of aggression. We will defend ourselves and our people with all available resources,” he said, while asking the international community and the United Nations to “condemn this act of unjustified aggression and support Somaliland’s right to self-defense”.

Thus, he has emphasized that “in the event of an attack, the Puntland administration will be held accountable for its actions” and has shown his willingness to “resolve disputes peacefully.” In this sense, he has shown his desire that Puntland “reconsider its confrontational position.”

“The Republic of Somaliland remains committed to peaceful coexistence and cooperation with all neighbours, but we will not hesitate to defend our citizens, our territories and our sovereignty when necessary,” the Somaliland Ministry of Defense has concluded.

The statement has been published in the midst of the increase in tensions in recent months in the disputed areas between Somaliland and Puntland, which have had their epicenter in the city of Las Anod, where more than 200 people have died during the fighting in the last month.

Somaliland authorities declared independence from Somalia in 1991, but it has not gained wide international recognition for its status and has faced opposition from some clan elders in disputed areas along its border with Somalia’s semi-autonomous Puntland state. .

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