The general secretary of UGT Castilla-La Mancha, Luis Manuel Monforte, today expressed the union’s “concern” after the irruption of the extreme right-wing force Vox in various autonomous governments, in the town halls or councils in the autonomous community and also for what could happen in the next general elections, scheduled for July 23.
He said it during the traditional press conference in which the union usually takes stock of the year and which, on this occasion, has coincided with June 19, the day that marks the 30th anniversary of the constitution of the union in Castilla -The stain. “It is cause for celebration,” he said, to also recount the “historic achievements” achieved both in the autonomous community and in Spain as a whole, which now, he said, may be “in danger” due to the emergence of Vox.
Monforte does not rule out that the extreme right in the institutions, the dialogue with the unions could worsen. In particular in Castilla-La Mancha he was referring to the local sphere where the PP will govern in coalition with Vox in three provincial capitals and in Talavera de la Reina. “The ultra-right has already said that it does not believe in social dialogue and we have to see if it materializes”, he commented.
“We know what has happened in Castilla y León: that social dialogue has disappeared. They loaded the mediation system with a stroke of the pen. We know what happens when the extreme right governs ”, she lamented, to contrast the situation in Castilla-La Mancha. “Here we enjoy an important social dialogue. We are proud that Castilla-La Mancha is mentioned as an example, because that has repercussions on the Castilian-La Mancha people”.
He recalled that “the result of this social dialogue” is, among others, an agreement for the Occupational Risk Prevention Strategic Plan until 2027 and that it must “continue to improve” or the Acredita program that allows the issuance of professional certificates both with new training and by accrediting years of professional experience.
“We ask any national or local party that political fluctuations do not have an impact on the citizenry,” he commented, thinking now of the 23J elections. He maintains that “the labor reform cannot be touched if it is not to improve it” and he was confident that the Scholarship Statute would continue, whether or not there was a change in the Government of Spain. “It is very worked and in the process of being approved. It would be very foolish not to. It is very important for the people who enter the labor market in our country”.
Here they have not been run over by the train in the same way because our regional president has distanced himself from certain policies of the Government of Spain
On why the advance of the extreme right in Spain has taken place, the trade unionist said that “a great national campaign has been carried out to discredit social dialogue and big agreements”, although he has recognized as “true” that “there is a a large part of the citizenry that asks for changes”. Of course, he also affirms that it has been less noticeable in the autonomous community, with the revalidation of the absolute majority of Emiliano García-Page at the head of the regional government by the minimum. “Here he has not been hit by the train in the same way because our president has distanced himself from certain policies of the Government of Spain.”
In his opinion, “there are many more workers than there should be who vote for Vox”, and he added, “I cannot understand it” because “in my way of seeing life, the economy or the problems of citizenship, there is no room for a workers vote for a party that does not believe in their rights”.
Perhaps we have not been able to sell well the achievements of progress among women, recipients of unemployment or pensions… They are very vulnerable groups if they do not continue to be placed at the center
Monforte believes that “we must continue to move forward, despite the change in color in other autonomous communities, and make the public aware of what it means to carry out policies in one way, rescuing banks, and what it means to do them in another, rescuing people.”
Facing the management of the PP in the region in the government of town halls and councils, Monforte was hopeful and the same, he said, if there is a change of government in Spain. “If the PP demonstrates that its policies put people at the center and not other sectors of the economy and believe in social dialogue, it will be worth it” because, he said, “with one government or another we understand collective bargaining and the problems of the working class in the same way.
He was also self-critical. “Perhaps we are not knowing how to convey the message to the public well, we have not been able to sell well the achievements of progress among women, recipients of unemployment or pensions… They are very vulnerable groups if they do not continue to be placed at the center of all policies . Change can be dangerous.”
Specific areas for young people, the LGTBI community, the environment and women
UGT has just launched an area dedicated specifically to young people. “The RUGE area is managed and directed by young people and there they talk about young people”, he said.
Next September the creation of another three new areas within the union is planned. Specifically, the one dedicated to the LGTBI collective “because they have specific problems in companies and because despite the extreme right, we must continue talking about equality. It’s not effective yet.”
There will be another environmental area because “we must continue talking about the green economy as it influences the labor market and there are new, more sustainable ways of working.” Finally, a “transversal” area for women will be created. “We are a feminist union.”
The objective is to “become the majority union” in the region
Monforte has claimed the role of UGT as a “public service” and among the most immediate objectives is to become “the majority union and reach all the companies in the region because where there is representation there is less conflict and fewer workplace accidents.”
Javier Flores, Secretary of Organization of the union gave some data on the evolution of UGT. “We have improved the presence of companies from Castilla-La Mancha by 6%” and called it a “historic milestone” that there are currently more than 3,000 delegates, a figure that has not been exceeded since 2014.
He has highlighted that the UGT is the leading union force in Guadalajara and Ciudad Real, with 30.4% representation in the companies, with 30,390 contributing members, of which 12,277 are women.
It has also highlighted the incorporation of young people under 25 years of age. Something that he, he assures, has facilitated the fact that they offer a fee of one euro for young students and the unemployed. “We have increased membership by 223% in two years.”