economy and politics

The PSOE assures that Chaves and Griñán are "innocent" despite the conviction by the ERE

The Secretary of Organization of the PSOE, Santos Cerdán, has branded as “unfair” the sentence for the ‘ERE case’ against the former presidents of the Junta de Andalucía Manuel Chaves and José Antonio Griñán, whom he considers “innocent”, but has avoided clarifying if you support granting them clemency. His words come after learning that Griñán’s wife and son are going to ask the Government for this measure of grace and that the request will have the support of former presidents Felipe González and José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

Felipe González and Zapatero will sign the Griñán family's pardon petition

Felipe González and Zapatero will sign the Griñán family’s pardon petition

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“Pardons have their procedure and that is what you have to wait for”, commented the ‘number three’ of the PSOE in statements to Europa Press, emphasizing that for now only the ruling is known but not the sentence of the Supreme Court and recalling that two of the magistrates expressed a dissenting vote.

“We have to wait to know the full sentence and then each procedure has its process,” he insisted, hiding behind said procedure to avoid clarifying whether he would be in favor of granting pardon to the two high-ranking socialist officials. Cerdán also did not want to respond to whether the PSOE considers that pardoning Griñán and Chaves could affect them in the next appointments with the polls, limiting itself to wielding that “the sentence” that weighs against them is unfair.

In the opinion of the Secretary of Organization of the PSOE, the ‘ERE case’ is not “comparable” with ‘Gurtel’, ‘Púnica’ or other cases that have affected the PP, although they want to be “equated”, since “it does not stop be a mismanagement of some aid that was with a very laudable purpose that was to help workers and companies where some irresponsible and chorizos took advantage of it “.

“There were a few,” he stressed, but “in this case they are paying innocent people, such as the case of former presidents Chaves and Griñán.” According to Cerdán, “here there has been no enrichment by anyone, there has been no financing from any party, the money went to the companies and their workers, and a part to those who took advantage of that situation.”

“In Spain it is not that corruption is called ‘Gurtel’, nor is it called ‘Lezo’, or is called ‘Púnica’, corruption is today called the Popular Party”, has defended the socialist leader, who has admitted that “corruption it’s all serious” after reminding him that in the case of former president Mariano Rajoy his enrichment was not proven either, but he was the subject of a motion of censure. “The motion of censure was not against Rajoy, it was against everything that the PP and its president Mariano Rajoy represented”, he stated, insisting that the party was “convicted of corruption”.

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