economy and politics

The PSOE asks the Justice to suspend the concentration to “pray the rosary” in Ferraz on the day of reflection and 9J

The PSOE asks the Justice to suspend the concentration to “pray the rosary” in Ferraz on the day of reflection and 9J

The PSOE asks the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid to suspend the authorization of the prayers called for next June 8 and 9, coinciding with the day of reflection and the celebration of the European elections in front of the Ferraz headquarters.

The socialists propose the annulment of the actions and a request for precautionary measures with the aim that these concentrations, which have been repeated in recent months with a marked ultra profile and with incidents even with the Police, are not carried out in the middle of an electoral process like next Sunday.

In its letter to the TSJM, the PSOE alludes to the “damage to electoral interests that the concentrations can cause, when held on the day of reflection and the day of voting; concentrations held a few meters from the national headquarters of the PSOE, in the same C/ Ferraz, 70, this concentration being directed precisely in front of the Government, and its action, whose main party is the PSOE, which is public knowledge and notorious, as continuity of the concentrations that have been taking place in that same place since November 7, 2023.”

“It is not simply a concentration during the electoral period, and the day of reflection and the day of voting in which electoral acts are prohibited, as indicated and delimited by both article 50 and article 53 of the LOREG, which It even provides that its execution may constitute a crime in its article 144”, continues the legal representation of the PSOE in its presentation, “but rather a concentration aimed at externalizing a form of protest against the Government, its action, and the PSOE, and therefore , directly aimed at electorally harming this in the ongoing electoral process of the European Elections, as demonstrated by the place where it was held, the origin of these concentrations, and the will of its organizers.”

In its resource, the PSOE compiles some public demonstrations on social networks by participants in this type of rallies in recent months as an example of the ultra nature of the organizers and attendees. “It is essential to protest against the tyrant, but even more important is to pray to God and the Virgin Mary,” can be read in one of the tweets provided. Another reads: “The survival of Spain, as we have inherited it, is at serious risk.”

Last Wednesday the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM) authorized a rally to “pray the rosary” in front of the PSOE headquarters in Ferraz during the day of reflection and on Sunday itself, when the European elections are held. The call had previously been annulled by the Provincial Electoral Board of Madrid, but Justice says that there are no “founded reasons” that justify that this concentration could affect the “political neutrality” that is required in the day of reflection.

The truth is that acts of praying the rosary have already taken place on several occasions in front of the socialists’ headquarters in Madrid, always linked to the protests against the Government for the approval of the amnesty. It has also happened in front of other PSOE headquarters in other parts of the country.

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