
The president of Nintendo advocates "an easy transition" to a new platform using Switch accounts

June 27 (Portaltic/EP) –

The president of NintendoShuntaro Furukawa, has advocated making “an easy transition” to the new ‘gaming’ platform on which he is working and in which players will be able to continue using Switch accounts.

A few weeks ago, Bloomberg announced that the manager had assured that he had no plans to announce any ‘hardware’ or new improved platform during the current fiscal year.

However, at a recent meeting of shareholders, the president of the developer would have offered new details about the plans that the Japanese company has regarding the presumed successor to Nintendo Switch.

In this documenta result of the General Assembly of shareholders, Furukawa has commented that Nintendo hopes to make “a smooth transition” between the current console and the new one with an account system that allows users to continue playing regardless of which one they do.

This compatibility, therefore, is far from the transition stage from Wii U to the next console, Nintendo Switch, when users were forced to migrate to the service to play the next generation.

Although he has not given details “about a future ‘hardware'”, Furukawa has qualified that Nintendo hopes to “propose a unique game”, which suggests that Nintendo Switch accounts will be able to be used in its successor.

With this, he has recognized that he does not believe “make it easy to sell ‘hardware’ at the pace of recent years” although he considers that “there are opportunities for companies to take advantage of the large number of units in use”.

He has also indicated that users around the world “have created more than 290 million accounts” and that in the transition from Nintendo Switch to the next-generation console they will do “everything possible to make it easy” for all customers.

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