
The PP says that Sánchez does not ask the EU for help on immigration because his attacks on Greece and Italy have left him without support

The PP says that Sánchez does not ask the EU for help on immigration because his attacks on Greece and Italy have left him without support

The PP believes that President Pedro Sánchez no longer has room for maneuver for the EU to help relocate unaccompanied immigrant minors from the Canary Islands, due to the criticism he has launched against other European governments, such as those of Italy and Greece.

Who is going to help you, if you attack Mitsotakis and Meloni?“, sources from the European People’s Party (EPP) tell EL ESPAÑOL, who consider that the possibilities of other EU States offering to welcome migrants from Spain “tend to zero” right now.

After Alberto Núñez Feijóo met in Athens with the Greek Prime Minister, Kyriákos Mitsotakis, the Minister of Science, Diana Morantreproached the leader of the PP last September for taking as a reference the “violent and inhumane immigration policy” of the Greek government.

Diana Morant’s statements were especially inopportune, precisely in the week in which the distribution of portfolios in the new European Commission was being decided: in the midst of enormous tensions, the EPP finally agreed to place Teresa Ribera as vice president of Competition.

The attacks by the PSOE and Pedro Sánchez’s ministers against the Italian Prime Minister, Georgia Meloni, have been even harsher.

Last May, the PSOE launched a message on social networks, titled “These are the fascists with whom Feijóo wants to make an agreement in Europe“, in which he criticized the PP leader’s approach to Georgia Meloni.

The PSOE video, illustrated with images of fascist crowds raising their arms, explained that Meloni’s government “has cut pensions, dismantled public health, prohibited homosexual couples from registering their children and has allowed pressure on women who want to abort”.

Also the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, then criticized Feijóo’s approach to Meloni: “Any vote for the PP and Vox could mean that there are rulers in the European Commission who are xenophobes, sexists, climate change deniersextremists of all conditions…” Bolaños said about the Italian prime minister.

EPP sources now warn that the attacks by the PSOE and the Government on other European partners do not help the EU to get involved in resolving the serious migration crisis in the Canary Islands, where thousands of ores remain crowded due to the migration crisis.

As EL ESPAÑOL has reported, the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, sent a letter last week in which she offered her willingness to mediate to “help Spain activate the relocation of unaccompanied minors and to facilitate dialogue with the Member States that have committed to this”.

However, Minister Ángel Víctor Torres has rejected this possibility. “It makes no sense to require France, Belgium or Germany to take in minors, who do not want to do so in their autonomous communities,” said the head of Territorial Policy this Friday, in an interview on TVE.

“No es comprensible”, abundó, “que haya comunidades que digan ‘yo no los quiero en mi territorio, pero sí que vayan a otros países de la Unión Europea’. Es un gesto que no tiene lógica ni coherencia y es muy hipócrita“.

Fuentes del Gobierno canario han mostrado su indignación ante las palabras del ministro Ángel Víctor Torres: “Es increíble, esto es una vergüenza“, señalan las citadas fuentes consultadas por EL ESPAÑOL, “no quieren que los niños salgan de Canarias, quieren buscar a un culpable y nada más. ¿O los acogen las comunidades autónomas del PP o nada?”

La Unión Europea cuenta desde 2021 con un mecanismo voluntario para redistribuir a los inmigrantes que solicitan la condición de asilados. Pero este pacto tiene dos dificultades añadidas.

En primer lugar, sólo 18 de los 27 Estados miembros han mostrado disposición a acoger a estos inmigrantes. Además, el problema específico que sufren Canarias, Ceuta y Melilla se refiere a los menores inmigrantes no acompañados, una opción que no está contemplada en el mecanismo voluntario.

La reubicación de los sin papeles entre los distintos Estados miembros fue precisamente uno de los principales escollos del Pacto por la Inmigración que fue ratificado por el Parlamento Europeo el pasado mes de abril.

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