economy and politics

The PP maintains the campaign "Blue summer" after RTVE demanded that they stop using the brand

The PP maintains the campaign "Blue summer" after RTVE demanded that they stop using the brand

The Popular Party continues with its electoral campaign ‘Verano azul’, despite RTVE’s complaints, and has released a new video this Saturday in which one of the actors from the original series, Miguel Joven Braun, who played Tito, participates . At the end of the video, the interpreter looks at the camera and says: “Spain deserves a blue summer.”

“We have everything legally tied: RTVE knows that its television rights to the brand are compatible with the use that we make of the concept ‘blue summer PP'”, party sources have pointed out to EFE, who attribute the reaction of the public channel to Moncloa : “Sánchez’s TV is upset by a campaign designed to put an end to Sánchez.”

The Popular Party has filed an application for registration of the ‘Verano Azul PP’ brand at the SPTO. According to RTVE, the Corporation is the owner of the word mark ‘Verano Azul’, therefore said application for registration would be violating the provisions of article 6 of Law on Trademarks 17/2001.

RTVE released a statement on Friday stating that they have urged the PP to withdraw the application for registration of the ‘Verano Azul’ trademark and stop using it, as it is owned by Radiotelevisión Española. The Corporation warned that, in case these requirements are not met, it reserves the right to take legal action.

For their part, the children of Antonio Mercero, director of the series produced in 1981, communicated, through El País, their “astonishment” and “outrage” at what they consider “an appropriation of the series of [su] father for partisan purposes.”

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