economy and politics

The PP does not lose sight of Aldama, but what drives it crazy is Begoña Gómez

The PP does not lose sight of Aldama, but what drives it crazy is Begoña Gómez

With as many press reviews as there are in the chamber and deputies making copies of media headlines to reinforce their arguments or pose for photos like television contest hostesses, it turns out that the Popular Party decided not to display the factory’s latest product on Wednesday. Aldama. The best, without a doubt. The funniest. A sheet with names of provinces and companies supposedly handwritten by Koldo García and with the appearance of a school exercise. It is the crumpled paper that Óscar Puente called “papeluco”. If that is the ‘smoking gun’, it cannot be denied that it basically emits smoke, especially if Ábalos’ former advisor does not confirm it.

There was a time when pulling the blanket had epic resonance in corruption cases. Amedo threw so much that he took away all of Felipe González’s dishes. Correa did not tell everything he knew, but enough for the PP to have nightmares. Aldama provides lists with names noted or underlined and tells the judge that he has a mine there. He’s going to have to dig until he can’t feel his arms.

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