economy and politics

The ‘number three’ of the Interior says that Transport gave him the contact for the Koldo plot but no instructions to hire

The businessman in the Koldo case paid the rent for the Ábalos couple and a chalet that the former minister enjoyed

The general director of Coordination and Studies of the Secretary of State for Security, José Antonio Rodríguez González, explained this Monday to the judge of the National Court investigating the Koldo case that he received contact from the company linked to the alleged plot at the hands of the cabinet of Minister José Luis Ábalos and that his role was limited to transmitting it to another former Interior official, Daniel Belmar. He has denied having received or given any indication regarding contracting with that company.

This has been stated by several legal sources to Europa Press, who emphasize that the head of the Interior has limited himself to confirming what Belmar already declared – already retired and who then held the General Subdirectorate of Planning and Management of Infrastructures and Resources. for Security–. Likewise, he recalled that that Management Solutions telephone number came to him at a meeting of the Coordination and Emergency Center (CECOR) and that he knew then that it was the company with which Puertos del Estado and Adif, two public companies dependent on the Ministry of Transportation.

Belmar, who was in charge of coordinating the acquisition of masks, maintained in his witness statement that it was Rodríguez González who told him about Management Solutions and who facilitated the contact of Íñigo Rotaeche, the executive director of that company.

The auditors ratify the report

This Monday, the two inspectors of the Ministry of Transport, Sara Anguita and Ana Balbás, who participated in the audit report carried out by the Ministry of Transport now directed by Óscar Puente and which speaks of “irregularities” in the contracts for the purchase, also declared. of masks during the pandemic and points to the management of former Minister Ábalos’ team.

The sources consulted have commented that both have limited themselves to confirming their work and have pointed out that they worked based on official and not personal emails from the people who were the subject of their report. The former chief of staff of Adif Michaux Miranda, investigated in the case, harshly criticized this report in his statement, calling it “nonsense” and containing “decontextualized or directly distorted” statements.

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