It’s been a few weeks now Intel introduced the new Xeon Sapphire Rapids processors for servers and high-performance equipment, in configurations of up to 56 cores. This processor has already reached the hands of overclockers who have begun testing, achieving the highest scores in tests such as Cinebench R23 and R20. But in addition to this high score, also consumption surprises that these new processors can have, almost 1,900 watts in certain extreme cases.
In a video that ElmorLabs has uploaded to its YouTube channel, we can see how It consumes 1,881 watts for a few moments during Cinebench R23 testing. In this video we tried to exceed the maximum score established a few days ago, putting each one of the 56 cores of the Intel W9-3495X at 5.5 GHz. For this, liquid nitrogen has been used, which it has managed to leave at a temperature of around -95º the processor. Unfortunately a new record was not achieved by very few points, staying in only 132,220 points.
In order to feed this processor, we have used 2 power supplies of 1,600 w each one, in addition a plate has been used ASUS W790E-SAGE SE along with 8 R-DIMM G.Skill Zeta R5 memory modules. Below you can see the video.
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Juan Antonio Soto
I am a Computer Engineer and my specialty is automation and robotics. My passion for hardware began at the age of 14 when I gutted my first computer: a 386 DX 40 with 4MB of RAM and a 210MB hard drive. I continue to give free rein to my passion in the technical articles that I write at Geeknetic. I spend most of my free time playing video games, contemporary and retro, on the 20+ consoles I own, in addition to the PC.