Science and Tech

The end of the barcode?: artificial intelligence would end it


American electronic services and commerce corporation Amazon created a technology based on artificial intelligence, with which it seeks to identify and eliminate the dependence on the manual scanner to their products.

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It’s all about the model AI multimodal identification (MMID), which, by means of a camera, will identify the product, so as not to make use of the Barcode.

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The main reason for the company is its commitment to automation, because in view of several logistical and handling problems, the company decided to create this multimodal identification model (MID) and in turn streamline the shipping process in their distribution centersso that the delivery time of the products is shorter.

The model AI is an artificial intelligence of MID that identifies the packages based on their dimensions, visual characteristics, text on the packaging or weight and thus creates a kind of fingerprint on them.

Through this process, the researchers translated the data from each image and built a machine learning model to extract it and associate it with the product to be compared.

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During the first test of this model, it was carried out in Poland and it was between 70% and 80% effective, but after its constant practice it has managed to reach Currently 99%.

Amazon is one of the largest companies in the world.


This system needs several factors for its correct operationwhich are:

High quality photos to feed the database.

Rate at which run the conveyor belt through which the products to be analyzed pass.
And that no employee intervenes manipulating the object.

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Additionally, AI knows where each item comes from, so it will not have to compare with millions of products it processes. Amazon. If not, this range is reduced to meet your goal and have a better delivery time.


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