economy and politics

The crossed wars between the Government’s partners complicate Sánchez’s parliamentary majority

The crossed wars between the Government's partners complicate Sánchez's parliamentary majority

To the already convoluted scenario of governing with a parliamentary minority, the coalition Executive faces an added complexity that is not new, but that intensifies with the passing of the legislature: the crossed wars between its own partners. The Government’s reading of some of the latest negotiations carried out before the holidays and the perspective with which they will face challenges this year such as carrying out Budgets is impregnated with a widespread feeling, that each time It is more difficult to agree on the necessary allies. And not so much because of the policies to be agreed upon, but because of the guerrilla war that the majority that supports Pedro Sánchez has become.

Under that prism, some of the political disagreements of recent months are explained in the Executive. There are those in the Government who maintain that a large part of Carles Puigdemont’s “overacting” with his rudeness to Moncloa has only and exclusively to do with his personal battle with Oriol Junqueras and with his party’s political competition with ERC.

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