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The creators of Diablo and LoL recognize that their players are getting old

You will take your Steam games to the grave

There has been a generational schism among video game players, which is seriously affecting the great sagas and historical consoles.

The youngsters who turned video game sagas like Devil either League of Legends (Lol) in myths, they are still playing these games, 20 or 25 years later. The problem is that They no longer have the free time they used toand you can’t spend hundreds of hours getting a single item, or training your way up the ranks.

The creators of Devil and Lol They acknowledge, in different interviews, that the players of your games are getting oldand they fail to attract the youngest.

And today’s children and adolescents are not interested Devil either Lol. Nor other mythical sagas like final fantasy either Mario. They only have eyes to Fortnite and Roblox.

Mythical video game sagas without generational change

In a interview in Windows Centralthe creator of the saga DevilRod Fergusson, recognizes that the players of Diablo IV They have reached an age that no longer allows them to do the things they did in Diablo II20 years ago.

In these games you have to invest, literally, hundreds of hours “grinding” (fighting and exploring scenarios to level up), in order to access the most valuable weapons and items in the game. But they are getting a lot of complaints from players who are parents and have jobs and responsibilities, and can’t put in hundreds of hours to get a mythical sword.

At 16 years old they dedicated all their free time to the game. Now, At 40 or 50 years old, they still play, but they want those treasures to be obtained faster.

Something similar happens in League of Legends. Riot Games executive Pu Liu says in a interview in PC Gamer that “our audience is aging. Honestly, it’s not the same situation as it was 10 years ago, when you’re in school or high school and Lol It’s the game that everyone talks about, that everyone plays.”

Both executives do not complain that their players are already old. Video games are cultural entertainment as deeply rooted as movies or card games, and in the same way that there are older people who watch fantasy movies or play cards or dominoes, Nowadays it is normal for a 50 or 60 year old person to play video gamesbecause there are them for all ages.

The problem of Devil either Lol It is not the age of their players, but they fail to attract young users. It is something that I have verified myself, in my own family. I have five nephews between the ages of 12 and 20, and in the summer I leave them my Nintendo Switch with all the great Mario, Zelda, and other Nintendo releases.

28 years later, they discover how to open a closed door in Super Mario 64

I try to get them to play those games, but in the end The only thing they use the console for… is to install Fortnite and Rocket League. With Robloxthe games preferred by children and adolescents.

They are simple multiplayer games with quick games, far removed from the complexity and long hours they require. Devil either Lol.

Something similar happens in single-player games. The remakes of Final Fantasy VII, the benchmark Japanese role-playing game from 20 years ago, are not selling as expected. Games of this type face an unexpected problem. One of my nieces, 12 years old, told me that she didn’t like her. The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wildobjectively the best game of recent years, because “you have to read.”

Today’s children have grown up with mobile games: quick fun without arguments or complications. Great sagas that have reigned for decades, such as Devil, Lol, final fantasy, Zeldaeven the untouchable Mario, have a difficult time attracting them.

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Tags: Video games, Retro

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