He appeared, yes, yes, we are referring to everyone’s favorite Jedi philosopher, small in size and who speaks backwards, like Yoda He himself appeared in the final scene of The AcolyteThe first season of ‘s. If your reaction to seeing the cameo was a flabbergasted “I can’t believe this,” the little guy would no doubt look at you with great disappointment and retort, “This is why you fail.”
But yeah, Yoda is here, just chilling out in the High Republic. Which makes a lot of sense, considering Yoda has already made appearances in the Novels of the High Republic Set 100 and 200 years before The AcolyteBut as for why the alien who makes it look easy to be green showed up in the final scene, the series creator… Leslie Point explains that it was imperative to balance the scales after the previous appearance of Sith Lord Darth Plagueis.
“That’s why it was important to introduce Yoda,” Headland says. Entertainment Weekly. “If you were going to introduce Plagueis, then you needed a formidable counterpart. As someone who knows who Plagueis is and knows where the Sith bloodline is going, it would be unbalanced if you didn’t have someone on the light side who had that gravitas. So to me it made sense.”
That philosophy goes back to something the person who comes to Yoda for advice says during the series in the final scene. “Vernestra keeps saying ‘tip the scales,’” Headland notes, “and I think you just needed something on the other side. If you’re going to introduce Plagueis, there can’t be that void. The Jedi have to have their heavyweight.”
Headland reveals that “Plagueis was always in the script and it was always meant to be a teaser for a second season.” So once that chess piece was on the board, “I also felt like there had to be something on the other side. So I was preparing and I literally thought of the shot that you see of Vernestra walking in and seeing him.”
And that was all I wanted to think about at that moment. “I knew I didn’t want to have a [full] “It’s a scene with Yoda,” Headland laughs. “I thought I wasn’t ready for that.”
Headland was also not emotionally prepared to take on the responsibility of having one of the most famous characters in the Star Wars franchise on its set. “Seeing it in person, I had never been so starstruck in my life. I felt like I was seeing my whole life flash before my eyes. I felt like I was meeting an entity – not a puppet, but an entity.”
Rachel Smith
And it wasn’t just Headland. “There were grown men crying on set. My cameraman A, who was the toughest, coolest guy and won a bunch of awards for All calm on the western front —Just the toughest of tough guys and sweet on the inside, he had tears of joy. [joy] And he said, “Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this.” Yoda makes people cry. It’s just amazing.”
In a series full of epic moments, putting Yoda’s iconic ears on screen may have topped the list. “I’m really proud of the show on a lot of different levels,” Headland says, “and I feel like we accomplished a lot of different things, but that’s the freaking cherry on top of that experience. As a lifelong fan, Star Wars “Fan, it was amazing. Literally, in the truest sense of the word, I was stunned.”
So does that mean we’ll get more Yoda if…? The Acolyte is cast in season 2, something Headland says he will do. Haven’t heard back yet? “I can’t tell you!” he shouts. “Well, what about Yaddle?” Headland laughs. “No comment. I’m not going to get dragged into that. You can’t catch me. No way. Start your letter-writing campaign!”
‘This article may contain information published by third parties, some details of this article were extracted from the following source: ew.com’
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