Science and Tech

Technology and Artificial Intelligence at the service of the construction of sustainable homes

Construction of sustainable homes, thanks to technology and AI

In the design and construction of sustainable homes, the integration of sustainability and affordability emerges as an essential binomial. From the point of view of architecture, sustainability not only refers to energy efficiency or the use of eco-friendly materials, but also to the ability to guarantee the long-term economic viability of a home. Affordability, on the other hand, is fundamental to making sustainable solutions accessible to a wide range of people, which in turn promotes equity and inclusion in access to decent housing.

Integrating these two elements involves finding a balance between the implementation of sustainable technologies and practices and cost optimization, ensuring that the initial investment in construction translates into economic and environmental benefits throughout the useful life cycle of the home. This synergy between sustainability and affordability not only contributes to the protection of the environment, but also improves the quality of life of residents and strengthens the resilience of communities in the face of present and future challenges.

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Innovation in the construction of sustainable homes

Proof of the above is the step forward by ABB Robotics by partnering with the innovative technology start-up AUAR. This collaboration has the main objective of offering sustainable and affordable housing solutions, taking advantage of the transformative technology of robotic micro factories.

The technology developed by AUAR uses robotic micro factories to build affordable and sustainable housing, thus addressing several challenges present in the construction industry. According to a recent survey, 95% of construction companies consider sustainability to be important, and more than a third recognize the potential of robots to reduce waste and increase productivity.

This collaboration between ABB Robotics and AUAR seeks to promote the use of robotic micro-factories for the construction of affordable, sustainable and low-energy wooden homes. AUAR's transformative vision integrates robotic automation into the construction process, thereby addressing the shortage of skilled labor and promoting sustainability and safety in industry.

Investment and support for innovation in sustainable construction

AUAR has recently completed a £2.6m seed funding round, led by deep-tech and AI fund Miles Ahead, alongside ABB Robotics & Automation Ventures and other investors. This investment supports the commitment of both companies to innovation and the development of sustainable solutions in home construction.

The collaboration between ABB Robotics and AUAR adds to ABB's efforts to help construction companies automate their processes. ABB Robotics has already been recognized for its contribution to the industry with the award for 'Best use of robotics or automation in construction'.

Additional benefits and future prospects

AUAR's automated micro factory approach offers a comprehensive solution to the challenges faced by construction companies, including supply chain issues and skilled labor shortages. By simplifying the supply chain and using a single type of material and machine, AUAR optimizes the construction process and facilitates the delivery of customized projects in a short period of time.

Additionally, AUAR's approach encourages local employment by establishing micro factories near construction sites, allowing local contractors and suppliers to coordinate the delivery of materials and contribute to the economic development of the community.

Impact and future prospects

In summary, the collaboration between ABB Robotics and AUAR represents a step forward in the construction of sustainable and affordable homes. With an innovative focus on robotic automation and the integration of advanced technologies, these companies are leading the way toward a future where construction is more efficient, sustainable, and accessible to all.

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