In Madhya Pradesh, a misunderstanding during an educational activity was exploited by Hindutva groups to attack the school of the Sisters of St. Elizabeth...
Tag - schools
For almost two months, a priest, a Protestant bishop and some directors have been in prison accused of having exorbitantly increased school fees. But the...
In a move that reflects changes in educational practices globally, several schools in Colombia are implementing stricter policies regarding cell phone use...
The judges’ decision in the case of some Tamil schools in the capital where obstructionism by the Ministry of Education had left up to a third of...
During a forum held in Colombo, the Human Rights Commission called for education reform to make human rights a central theme of the curriculum. The proposal...
According to the official press, the new model focuses on the party’s ideology and dictates. The law also covers overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and the...
It was announced today by local authorities in an attempt to reassure public opinion. Japan continues to claim that the water from the nuclear plant has been...
The United Nations Children’s Fund would be agreeing on the way to leave educational programs in the hands of the new local authorities. Meanwhile...
The president of the National Commission for the Protection of Children continues his persecutory campaign against Christian educational institutions...
This is the most important manifestation of the teaching body in recent years. The unrest affects both the West Bank and Gaza territories. They are expected to...