economy and politics

Sumar is articulated as a party: it will have a general assembly, an executive and a presidency

Yolanda Díaz’s political project was registered two weeks ago as a political party. But it will not only be an instrumental tool to articulate the coalition for the general elections on July 23, it will have a life of its own as a political formation and its structure is already included in the statutes that the party has published. on your new website. According to this document, the Sumar Movement, as the party is called, will have a general assembly, which will be held ordinarily annually, a sort of executive, known as the Coordination Council, and a Guarantees Commission. The statutes also contemplate three organic figures: a presidency, a secretariat and a treasury.

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Although the recently created web page does not yet include an organizational document, which will be available soon, according to what they indicate, the party’s statutes already outline an embryonic design of the political party, a state-wide structure, which will have two types of militants, affiliates , with a larger legal entity, and the “friends” of Sumar. “Movimiento Sumar is a political platform whose purpose is the promotion of Human Rights in all social, political and institutional spheres”, establish the statutes. “Movimiento Sumar is conceived as a citizen democratic movement oriented towards social transformation through institutions and civil society”, they add in a series of points that define the main ideological lines of the platform.

In the document published on the web, Sumar is configured as a party based on democratic principles: “Deliberation and debate will be encouraged, in the positive logic of reaching agreements and consensus that reflect the plurality of ideas that nourish the Sumar Movement community. ; Formulas will be established for the opening and involvement of citizens and civil society in the activity and in the proposals of Movimiento Sumar”. They also establish mechanisms for “deliberation and voting through accessible digital tools.”

Assembly and coordination council

Sumar’s statutes establish a general assembly as the main decision-making body for party members. It will be convened at least once a year and will have different attributions such as the approval of the political program, the statutes or any modification of the regulations. You can also elect the members of the Coordination Board, approve or reject the management of this body annually and do the same with the Guarantees Commission. In the last case, it also has the power to decide the dissolution of the party.

The Assembly could also be convened in an extraordinary way, if so decided by the Coordination Table or 35% of the affiliated people. “The agreements of the Assembly will be adopted as a general rule by a simple majority of the members present, except in the case of the dissolution of the party that will require a majority of 3/5 of the members present”, point out the statutes, which guarantee that the vote “For the election of the management bodies, it will be carried out by free and secret vote.”

The figures that occupy the Presidency, the Secretariat and the Treasury will be appointed by the Coordination Table, the executive of the party, which will be made up of between three and ten people and will be designed by voting, this time, by the General Assembly. However, the functions of the president or the secretary are not very clear, which will surely be developed in the future organizational document.

This body may approve the annual budgets and electoral campaigns, examine and approve the party’s annual accounts in the first quarter of each year, the economic-financial management of the party and its assets, set the ordinary or extraordinary fees of affiliated persons. , decide on the registration or removal of affiliated persons and approve pre-electoral coalitions and post-electoral agreements, as well as the candidacies with which the party presents itself in the elections.

It may also name the party’s state spokespersons, as well as the territorial ones if these bodies are created, execute the agreements adopted by the General Assembly and carry out the tasks assigned by said body. “The Coordination Board will meet ordinarily once every 3 months and extraordinarily as many times as requested by at least three of its members. The session must be convened at least 3 business days in advance, except in urgent cases if a majority of its members so decide”, establish the statutes.

Guarantee commission

The statutes also contemplate the creation of a body to “defend and guarantee” the rights of affiliated persons. The Guarantees Commission “will issue a report prior to the resolution of your complaints, denunciations and appeals, in accordance with the provisions of these Statutes”. “The Guarantees Commission is made up of 3 affiliated people who are up to date with the payment of quotas, who are not part of the Coordination Table of the party, and who will be elected by the Assembly for a period of 4 years, according to the detailed election procedure in article 14 of these Statutes”, explains the text.

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