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We have received some rather curious news related to Monolith Soft, since it has just been confirmed that the studio participated in the development of Splatoon 3all this while I was also working on Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
As you surely know, Monolith Soft is one of the main Nintendo developers, working with sagas as important as Xenoblade Chronicles and for providing support in other company projects.
It is because of this that it has just been announced that the studio did not have enough with the work required for the third installment of the RPG, but instead was collaborating with Splatoon 3 at the same time, information that was shared on its official site.
Here you can see it:

As you could see, the image shows all the games that Monolith Soft has been participating in recently, including the latest installment of splatoon which premiered last Friday, September 9.
What exactly did the study help? The doubt remains in the air, since it is not specified what type of participation it had, although it is important to say that Monolith Soft was also involved in the development of splatoon and of splatoon 2.
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It is worth mentioning that the studio is also collaborating with the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and has an expansion pass planned for Xenoblade Chronicles 3so the next few months are sure to be hectic for your team.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Y Splatoon 3 are available exclusively on Nintendo Switch.
Have you played any of the 2 recent hybrid console titles yet? Tell us in the comments.
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