economy and politics

Speed ​​Management Project in Latin America: the case of Argentina

The United Nations Road Safety Fund (UNRSF) partly finances a project aimed at improving Argentina’s technical capacity to develop policies and strategies for the introduction of speed management systems, changing the perception that users have about the benefits of slowing down for safer urban and rural roads.

The objective of this multi-sector project is to introduce a speed management program with pilot projects to reduce fatalities and serious injuries due to speeding on urban and rural roads in Argentina, allowing the results of the project to be extended to other Latin American cities.

The project seeks to improve the existing technical capacity in Argentina to develop policies and strategies for the introduction of speed management systems, changing the perception of citizens about speed limit reductions to achieve safer urban and rural roads.

To achieve the goal of reducing speed limits, the project will focus on working with all stakeholders and the population, through educational strategies that explain the benefits of speed management, and with a “multi-agent” format. given that it has the participation of the public, private and NGO sectors.


  • Introduce speed management systems to contribute to a change in perception about the benefits of reducing speed and reducing fatalities and serious injuries.
  • Generate public awareness about the importance of implementing speed management measures through the implementation of best practices and pilot projects.
  • Implementation of a comprehensive action to reduce speed by integrating campaigns, regulations, inspection, technology, fleet management and infrastructure for speed management.
  • Identify best practices in the region on speed management and document them.
  • Carry out an awareness campaign and educational strategy on the benefits of speed reduction for all stakeholders and the general public, carrying out measurement actions before and after.
  • Implement pilot projects that demonstrate that speed reduction translates into a reduction in fatalities and injuries in the event of traffic accidents.
  • Generate a document that collects the experience carried out with a workshop that involves the interested parties to generate speed management programs in different places.


  1. Conference on projects and best practices of speed management.

Inaugural conference “Speed ​​reduction: a measure that saves lives” – 05/20/2021

Lecture #1 “Speed ​​control and inspection technologies” – 06/10/2021

Conference #2 “Infrastructure for speed management” – 07/01/2021

Conference #3 “Fleet management as a tool to reduce speed” – 07/22/2021

Conference #4 “Good Practices in the Region in speed control” – 08/12/2021

Good practices for speed control and reduction

2. Awareness and education campaign on the benefits of managing speed;

3. Speed ​​reduction pilot projects in 3 sections;

4. Pilot projects on fleet management;

5. Evaluation of results.

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