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One of the techniques that has accompanied the development of video games for decades has been motion capture, which has allowed different ideas to come true in 3D games, offering a dose of realism. However, this goes beyond the visual and can become an important part of the gaming experience, which is why some companies are betting on advances by expanding the possibilities, such as Sony and what could be the future of PlayStation games.
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Sony plans a robot that improves the motion capture process
A report of GameRant He shared details of one of the technological projects that is developing in Sony and that has to do with the development of video games, although it could also have other multimedia uses. It is a robot that would improve the motion capture process by becoming a point of reference for the actors and the actions that will end up in the video game.
This robot is distinguished by its flexibility and the way it can be adjusted to be a benchmark in different situations.
If we think of games like The Last of Us: Part II, the brutality of his combat is part of the game mechanics and taking that step forward from the first installment was possible thanks to advances in motion capture. Well, in this case Sony would seek to move forward with this robot as it will allow the actors to carry out actions with greater specificity as it can be considered as a representative of an NPC, an object, a character with whom it interacts in greater depth. Ironically, this would allow less robotic and more human movement in video games.
Undoubtedly, related technology remains an essential tool for game development, and it looks like the industry will invest heavily in the coming years to streamline creative and production processes.
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