economy and politics

Skills that teachers should have to carry out their work

Skills that teachers should have to carry out their work

The teachers, As those in charge of training students in skills, they are an important token not only for the education of the present, but also for the future.

(See: What the $1.3 trillion more than education will have will be invested in).

A survey conducted by Entrepreneurs for Education Foundation (FExE), accounts for the impact of teachers in training, in fact, “51% of Colombians believe that teachers should be evaluated based on the achievements of their students”, which supports the impact.

To that extent, as reported by the Dane, in 2021 in Colombia there were 471,457 teachers and teaching directors of preschool, primary, secondary and middle education.

(See: Saber 11 A: registrations are open until May 12).

of that number 158,345 are men, which represents 34%, and 313,112 are women, that is, 66%.

Of that number, 230,247 are graduates or professionals; 93,228 have a postgraduate degree in Education, 72,146 have a postgraduate degree in another subject, 27,879 are normalists and 14,143 are ethno-educators.

As reported by the Ministry of Education, “it is necessary to dignify their work to offer a quality education”.

This is why Maple Bear, a network of Canadian schools, describes the skills that teachers should have, in addition to decent conditions to work.

In principle, the leadership, because “a teacher must motivate and generate in students the passion to learn and discover”.

(See: The 7 axes of education that seek to strengthen with the PND).

Another key skill is technology management, this because as they affirm, “technology has changed people’s life experience”.

Besides, the role of empathy, to teach from the needs of the students.


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