
Signs He’s Scared By How Much He Likes You


You can’t figure out this guy’s behavior but you suspect he likes you? Maybe he’s just afraid to show it…

Why are there people who prefer to run away from love? There are individuals who are afraid of vulnerability and giving their heart to someone else for fear of having it broken. When someone takes an interest in you and starts to really like you, they may get scared or intimidated, so they start acting inconsistently. Which son? Signs a man is falling in love with you but would rather walk away for fear of opening his heart? Here we reveal them to you…

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Signs He’s Scared By How Much He Likes You

You won’t be able to figure it out

While some days he shows a deep interest in you and is very attentive to you, other times he is the complete opposite and displays inconsistent behavior, characterized by attitudes of distance and disinterest. This is because he is terrified of what he is feeling for you and prefers to stay away to escape from his true emotions.

He gets nervous when he’s alone with you

Have you noticed that he constantly avoids having direct contact with you? Excuses for not spending time together are present, and although you may mistake this for disinterest, it can also be a sign that he is intimidated by you and that the feelings he has for you make him uncomfortable because he does not want to fall in love.

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Signs He’s Scared By How Much He Likes You

Pay attention to the details

Even if you try to run away from him, you realize that he remembers your interests and small details about you. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, he pays you full attention and remembers every single thing you tell him during your encounters.

Avoid touching on personal topics

Although he loves being around you, he prefers not to delve into personal topics, such as past relationships and future romantic plans. This is because he fears that by telling you about intimate experiences, he might expose himself too much to you.


Signs He’s Scared By How Much He Likes You

Sometimes he writes to you and sometimes he doesn’t.

Suddenly he is very expressive on WhatsApp and any topic of conversation seems to be interesting enough to discuss with you, but suddenly he stops looking for you and several weeks can go by; once he thinks that his feelings for you have gone away, then he gets back in touch with you.

Seek your approval

Subconsciously, he doesn’t want to disappoint or let you down, so he tries to impress you at every moment and seeks your approval in a subtle or unforced way, but which is obvious to you.

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Signs He’s Scared By How Much He Likes You

‘This article may contain information published by third parties, some details of this article were extracted from the following source: www.cosmopolitan.com.mx’

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